
dc.contributorLiu, Chieh-Hsingen_US
dc.contributor.authorCHUAN, HSIAO MANen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究之目的,將以全國非健康教育專長授課教師為研究對象,探討「國中健康教育科目在職進修課程」對非健康教育專長教師教學效能之影響,以瞭解受訓過的教師在健康教育教學上是否真的獲得改善。編製「109學年度健康教育科目在職進修課程與教學效能調查問卷」為研究工具,以進行研究資料的調查與蒐集,正式問卷以普查且採線上問卷方式進行調查,使用surveycake問卷設計軟體進行調查。受試者包括全國737所公立國民中學之109學年度非健康教育專長授課教師,共計1,874人為本研究正式研究對象,實際回收1,229份,回收率 65.6%,經篩檢後去除無效問卷183份,有效問卷為1,046份,最後正式回收率為55.8%。統計方法採描述統計、t考驗及單因子變異數分析,皮爾遜積差相關及多元逐步迴歸等方法進行分析。根據上述文獻探討與調查資料分析結果,本研究獲致以下結論:一、目前非健康教育專長授課教師,學校配課狀況不是以連續、長期的形式配課,大部分是健康教育授課三年以下教師,而且以健教年資為一年的人數最多,而目前仍有14.1%的老師從未參與進修。二、目前健康教育非專長授課教師,以與學生關係最緊密的導師為主要授課對象,但導師在在職進修動機以及教學效能明顯低於其他職務教師。三、國中健康教育科目在職進修課程,對於非健康教育專長教師幫助程度良好,且有高度需求。四、國民中學非健康教育專長教師在職進修動機,以獲得「興趣與成就」之動機最高。五、國民中學非健康教育專長教師教學效能良好,以「教學氣氛」層面的表現最佳,以「教學策略實施」表現最弱。六、不同背景非健康教育專長教師對在職進修動機的看法有明顯的不同。七、參與進修動機與「教學年資」、及「參與在職進修次數」呈現相關情形。八、不同背景非健康教育專長教師對於教學效能的知覺有明顯的不同。九、教學效能與「教學年資」、「健教年資」及「參與在職進修次數」呈現相關情形十、國民中學非健康教育專長教師參與在職進修動機與教學效能之相關呈顯著正相關十一、國民中學非健康教育專長教師在職進修課程特色幫助程度與教學效能之相關呈顯著正相關。十二、參與在職進修次數與在職進修課程特色幫助程度呈顯著正相關。十三、國民中學非健康教育專長教師教學效能,主要受到「整體在職進修動機」、「整體課程特色」、「健教年資」、「教學總年資」等因素影響最大,共同解釋力達26.3%其中以「在職進修動機」對於整體教學效能的個別解釋變異量最大,為主要預測變項。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to exploring the impact of the"In-service Education Subjects in Junior High Schools" on the teaching effectiveness of non-health education teachers. A questionnaireresearch method was utilized, with a self-designed questionnaire “Questionnaire on In-service Advanced Courses and teaching effectiveness of health education subjects in the 109 academic year.” serving as the main research tool. The subjects in the study were all non- professional health education junior high school teacher from 22 counties and cities in Taiwan , it’s about 1874 teachers.The formal questionnaire is a census and an online questionnaire, using surveycake questionnaire design software to conduct the survey.A total of 1874 questionnaires were distributed,1229 questionnaires returned,1046 answered completely, and the return rate was about 55.8%. Multiple approaches,including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-momentcorrelation, and Stepwise multiple regression, are involved in the analysis.The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows:(1)The current state of school assignments for non-specialized teachers in health education is not in a continuous and long-term form. Most of them are teachers who teach health education for less than three years, and the number of teachers who have health education for one year is the largest. At present, there are still 14.1% of teachers never participated in further education.(2)The main teaching object is the tutor who has the closest relationship with the students, but the tutor's motivation for on-the-job training and teaching effectiveness are significantly lower than those of other teachers.(3)The on-the-job training courses for health education subjects in middle school are very helpful to teachers who do not specialize in health education, and there is a high demand.(4)The motivation for on-the-job training is to obtain the highest motivation for "interest and achievement".(5)The teaching effectiveness is good, with the best performance in terms of "teaching atmosphere" and the weakest performance in terms of "teaching strategy implementation".(6)Part of the junior high school teachers’ perception of teaching effectiveness innon-professional health education junior high school teacher had significant difference in terms of demographic variables.(7)There were significant correlations among motivational and participation in on-the-job training, motivational and teaching years.(8)Part of the junior high school teachers’ perception of teaching effectivenessinnon-professional health education junior high school teacher had significant difference in terms of demographical variables.(9)There were significant correlations among teaching efficacy and participation in on-the-job training, teaching efficacy and teaching years, teaching efficacy and health education teaching years.(10)There were positive significant correlations among all dimensions of motivations for in-service education and teaching effectiveness. (11)There were significant correlations among teaching efficacy and On-the-job training course help degree.(12)There were significant correlations among participation in on-the-job training and on-the-job training course help degree.(13)Motivations for in-service education had predicative efficacy for all the dimensions of teaching effectiveness.en_US
dc.subjectnon-professional health education teacheren_US
dc.subjectmotivations for in-service educationen_US
dc.subjectteaching effectivenessen_US
dc.titleResearch on Motivation and Teaching Efficacy of non-professional health education junior high school teacher participating In-service Teacher Educationen_US


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