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近年來,由於醫學知識與技術的提升,腦中風患者的致死率大幅下降,但仍有許多患者生活無法獨立。隨著國際健康功能與障礙分類系統(ICF)的提出,相關專業開始著重患者參與的議題。在提升腦中風患者參與的介入方式中,大多僅著重於患者本身,甚少將家庭成員納入介入策略中。本研究期待透過以家庭為中心的介入提升腦中風患者社交與社區參與。 本研究採準實驗設計,透過照顧者參與意願之有無將研究參與者分為實驗組與控制組,探討介入前後以及介入後一個月的追蹤成效。實驗組以家庭為中心的介入,控制組則以個案為中心介入。兩組介入時間皆為每周一至兩次90-120分鐘課程,課程總計八次。資料分析以描述性統計、Wilcoxin排序和檢定、Wilcoxin符號等級檢定研究參與者在社區、社交參與和憂鬱程度的改變。 本研究基於資源方便性,在臺北市某教學醫院收案,參與者分成實驗組九位與對照組八位。介入前兩組在年齡(p=0.007)與社區參與多樣性(p=0.037)上具有顯著差異。介入後兩組在各依變項皆無統計上顯著差異,然發現實驗組的憂鬱程度降低、社交參與多樣性提升、社交/社區參與中想改變的程度提升以及社區參與困難程度有下降的趨勢。兩組在追蹤時,所有依變項於統計皆未達顯著差異,但在社區參與多樣性與參與頻率有上升的趨勢。 本研究在統計上未能顯現以家庭為中心的介入優於以個案為中心的介入,但在追蹤時的依變項變化情形有正向發展的趨勢,建議未來可以探究較多樣本、較長介入以及提早介入的成效。
Due to the progress of medical technology, the mortality has reduced significantly in stroke patients recently. However, there were still lots of stroke patients cannot live independently in community. health professions started focusing on the issues of patients’ participation since the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) issued. Most of the interventions which enhancing the participation of stroke patients focused on the patients themselves, rare of them focused on their family. This study intended to enhancing social and community participation in stroke patients through family-centered approach. This study used a quasi-experimental pre-posttest research design. Participants were divided into experimental and control groups based on the caregivers’ willingness to joined the intervention or not. Nine were in the experimental group and eight were in the control group. Patients in both groups received one or two 90-120-minute treatment sessions a week, with a total of eight sessions. Patients in experimental group received family-centered approach in which both the patients and their family members attended the treatment sessions, and those in control group received client-centered intervention in which only the stroke patients attended the treatment sessions. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, Wilcoxin rank sum test, and Wilcoxin signed ranks test. There was no statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in all variables, although the trends of the depression reducing, the diversity of social participation increasing, the desire to change in social/community participation and the difficulty of community participation decreasing in the experimental group were found. In the one-month follow up, there was still no statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in all variables, although there was an increasing trend in community participation diversity and participation frequency. This study does not indicate that family-centered approach is better than client-centered approach. However, there are positive trends in community participation diversity and participation frequency. Further studies could recruit more participants and implement intervention early in the onset and longer intervention duration.



腦中風, 參與, 以家庭為中心, 照顧者, 憂鬱, stroke, participation, family-centered, caregiver, depression





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