

繪畫藝術教學在監獄矯正教育上的應用 以臺灣臺北監獄附設藝術班之收容人為個案研究 摘要 本研究企圖從繪畫藝術教學的取向,來探討繪畫藝術實務教學經驗在監獄矯正教育上運用之成效,以探討研究者自一九九八年起至二〇〇六年間,受聘於臺灣臺北監獄,以繪畫藝術教學作為主軸,成立藝術教化實驗班。期間在臺北市國立 國父紀念館先後舉辦了三次盛大的成果展覽,其成果足以顯現出監獄「收容人」在繪畫藝術的研習成效上卓著的表現,因此研究者乃進一步企圖想藉由個案研究的方式,來探討繪畫藝術教學在監獄矯正教育工作上的運用,相較於非使用藝術教化進行的矯正教育工作,在穩定監獄「收容人」的囚情上,以及「收容人」在刑期期滿或獲得假釋出獄後的再犯罪率為何?是否有明顯的不同!進行個案研究與探討。 本研究以臺灣臺北監獄附設藝術實驗班為實驗場域,隨機抽選了四位案情各異刑責不同的學生進行個案實驗研究,所欲探討的問題有: 一、透過繪畫藝術的訓練是否能開發收容人潛藏未知的藝術底韻與才 性? 二、繪畫藝術教學對監獄矯正教育能產生哪些方面的影響? 三、什麼樣的繪畫教學課程設計適合監獄裡受刑的收容人? 四、如何從畫映心境探知收容人的內心世界? 五、以繪畫藝術教學介入監獄矯正教育是否有可能降低更生人的再犯罪 率? 本研究以個案研究法進行研究,透過文獻探討、個案訪談、個案重要關係人電話訪談、個案家庭訪問、個案作品分析等方式,以了解以繪畫藝術教學介入監獄矯正教育之實施成效,經研究結果得到以下重要的結論: 一、以藝術治療取向的繪畫藝術教學活動,進行對收容人類似治療的繪畫藝術訓練,在經過此繪畫訓練後,發現個案因為繪畫訓練上得到相當的成就與滿足感後在這樣的氛圍下個案與生俱有的潛藏藝術底蘊便逐漸的開展出來,因為在繪畫藝術上得到相當的成就與自信,也就重新燃起人生的理想與希望,這將有助於個案在刑責結束後重返社會的適應能力。 二、透過研究者作為橋樑轉達家屬對個案仍然關懷,並且願意接納關愛他 們,這對個案產生莫大的精神鼓舞,使個案在情緒管理上溫和而理性 ,在生活行為上變得樂觀且積極。 三、研究者在對臺北監獄藝術班收容人的繪畫藝術教學課程設計上,除傳 統的基礎訓練外,更利用生活週遭的點滴為素材進行創意的聯想訓練 ,以及對藝術人文的知識介紹,尤其在獲得親情的滋潤後,使個案不 因為是在監獄裡服刑就思想呆滯,在創作上不但色彩活潑豐富而且饒 富創意。 四、研究者透過個案的作品與個案進行心靈的互動,常常可以發掘出連個 案都疏忽的心情底蘊;透過繪畫所呈現形象的色彩與符碼居然可解碼 心中的秘密,這的確是件很有趣的事。 五、當今社會居高不下的犯罪率,令人民感到憂心生活不時處在一種不安 全感之中,如何降低犯罪率現下常是政治人物用以爭取選票的口號孰 不知在節節高升的犯罪率當中,一直隱藏一個很重要的因素,那就是 犯罪受刑人出獄後的再犯罪率,根據法務部統計處公佈的資料,去年 民國九十四年監獄收容人出獄後因再犯案,其假釋遭撤銷率為22.1% ,也就是說收容人假釋出獄後又 再犯案率為22.1 %。這無異是埋藏在社會裡,造成治安惡化的不定時 炸彈。研究者於民國八十七年起應聘至臺灣臺北監獄藝術班任教迄今 ,這九年當中自臺灣臺北監獄藝術班服刑滿期或獲得假釋出獄者總計 二十二人,僅有兩人因再度吸食安非他命毒品,在警察臨檢時遭到逮 捕因此被撤銷假釋,再度入獄服其殘刑,所以臺灣臺北監獄藝術班成 立迄今收容人出獄後的再犯罪率為 0.03 %(表 5-1-1)。雖然研 究者以繪畫藝術教學介入監獄的矯正教育工作,其實驗成效,僅是就 臺灣臺北監獄藝術班的小單實驗而已,但相信對於降低更生人的再罪 率,應該具有拋磚引玉的作用!
Application to painting teaching about the corrective education in prison The Case Study Of the inmates in the artistic class in Taipei Prison of Taiwan Abstract The purpose of this research aims to discuss effects on practical experiences of painting teaching about the corrective education in prison. The researcher, who have been employed during 1998~2006 in Taipei Prison of Taiwan, Has set up the experimental artistic enlightenment class based on the framework of painting teaching. At that time, three important works exhibitions took place in National Dr.Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. Their achievements showed their excellent hardworking at the painting with high passions. Thus this result encourage me to research into the application to painting teaching about the corrective education in prison by a case study. Caparisons non- artistic enlightenment education with artistic enlightenment education, how the emotional stability of inmates and the crime rate as they were released on prison term or on parole? Is there any obvious difference? The background of this study was in Taipei Prison of Taiwan, four inmates were selected at random. The issues involve: 1. Could training of painting inspire inmates artistic potentiality? 2. What influences on corrective education in prison by artistic enlightenment classes? 3. What kind of painting teaching course design is suitable for inmates? 4. How to realize the inner world of inmates from their dawning symbols? 5. whether it is possible to reduce crime rate in terms of corrective education in prison by artistic enlightenment teaching? This research is based on the of theory of case study, through literatures, individual interviews with candidates, telephone interviews with important involved people, Interviews with family of candidates and analysis of candidates works. The conclusions can be classified according to listing results: Firstly, The Adoption of artistic therapy would increase inmates honor and accomplishments, thus they can develop their potential for art by nature. This will help inmates to have more self-confidences to reaccommodate to the society after finishing with their prison term. Secondly, their behaviors were turned into be tender and rational progressively, because inmates can realize that their family show consideration for them and will accept them ceaselessly, since the researcher has been the communicative bridge between inmates and their families. Thirdly, for the courses design of the painting teaching in prison, not only traditional basic skills but also creative brainstorm in their daily life and introduction of relative knowledge were included. Furthermore, the works of inmates show colorful and creative composition, this proves that their thinking will not be idle in prison, especially they can obtain consistent attentions from their family. Fourthly, the researcher can find out the secrets hidden in the hearts of inmates, through bilateral inner reaction with painting works, more often than not, some symbols or colors can stand for their hidden secrets with ease. It is interesting! Finally, High crime rate in latter society let people suffer from apprehension for life. For the purpose of votes, how to decrease crime rate become battle cries of politicians, however most people ignore that serious problem is reduplicate crime rate. According to the data published by Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C(Taiwan), the reduplicate crime rate in 2005 is 22.1%.This is absolutely uncertain crisis for public security in the society. The researcher has been employed since1998 as a lecturer of painting teaching about the corrective education in Taipei Prison of Taiwan. For 9 years , only 2 of 22 inmates released form prison committed crime because drugging amphetamine, then they were arrested during check by the police and sentenced to several years. Since the establishment of artistic class in Taipei prison of Taiwan, the crime rate reduce to 0.03%(Table 4.4-3). Although this result occupies small percentages of total inmates in in Taipei Prison of Taiwan, I believe this is a indicator.



「收容人」, 「囚情」, 「假釋」, 「矯正教育」, 「個案研究」, 「藝術治療」, inmates, Imprison feeling, conditional release, corrective education, case study, art therapy





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