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Department od Education, NTNU


Cultivating students’ scientific attitudes serves two purposes:(1)helping students fully understand the essence of science as well as scientific behavior;(2)helping students better develop their character. Based on this theory, the purpose of this study was to investigate the essence of scientific attitudes and the factors influencing the scientific attitudes of the Junior High School students. There were 764 subjects selected from second year(grade)students(around 14 years old)of 4 Junior High Schools in Taipei, 369 boys and 395 girls. Data collected came from the “Junior High School I.Q. test, ” the “Personal Characteristics Data Inventory, ” and other forms designed by; the researcher, such as “Junior─High─school─Students Scientific Attitude Inventory, ” ‘Child─rearing Practice Questionnaire” and “Teachers’ Instructional Characteristics Description student to include I.Q. test scores, family social and economical status, grade their teachers’ instructional characteristics. Together with this information, we obtained scores for every student about six scientific attitudes:”discreetness, ”curiosity,” ”objectivity,” ”perseverance, ” “cooperation” and “scientific beliefs”. The data were statistically analyzed three ways. The relationships among the six scientific attitudes were analyzed using Pearson’s product─moment correlation coefficient. Differences between male and female students’ scientific attitudes with the influences of different child─rearing practices and teachers’ instructional characteristics were analyzed using a two─way ANOVA. Step─wise multiple linear regression was used to analyze how the six scientific attitudes were affected in terms of “sex differences,” ”family social and economical status,” “grades of natural science courses, ” ‘family child─rearing practices” and “teachers’ instructional characteristics.”The conclusions of the study were as follows:1. Students varied with sex differences in all attitudes except the attitude of “discreetness


