

桃園縣高中體育班發展現況與問題之探討 摘要 研究生 徐郁婷 指導教授 林靜萍 本研究旨在探討桃園縣高中體育班之發展現況與困境,研究範圍包括體育班課程的規劃與實施、體育班學生的入學管道及體育班師資任用情形。採質性研究取向,針對體育班相關之體育組長、教師、導師、專長訓練教練及學生進行半結構式深度訪談,所得資料以持續比較法加以分析,討論後獲得以下結論: ㄧ、各學校在學科時數分配無法兼顧學生藝能科目的學習,影響學生全人格教育的學習;術科教師在專業課程訓練時數部分,依專長運動項目安排授課時數,超出訓練時數係屬奉獻。 二、各學校秉持基層扎根,培育桃園縣內運動人才;高中多元入學管道雖多元且公平,但卻缺乏彈性,針對體育成績優異之選手,同時報考賭運氣,較易產生落榜之可能性。 三、體育班專業師資之聘用配合各校體育教師甄選,以具備校內發展運動項目為優先考量,並講求運動教練之專業背景與訓練科學化;校內師資不足部分則以外聘方式聘任,亦講求師資專業化。 針對以上發現,提出建議,以供教師、學校、行政單位及未來研究者之參考。 關鍵字:高中體育班、專業課程、多元入學管道
The Study of the Development and Problems of PEAPC in Taoyuan County Autho:Yu-Ting, Hus Thesis Advisor: Ching-Ping, Lin. Abstract The study aims at probing into the development conditions and difficulties of the Physical Education Advanced Placement Classes (PEAPC) in Taoyuan County. The curriculum design and implementation, the sources of the students, and the teacher employment of the PEAPC were discussed. Qualitative research approach was adopted in the study. Data collected from semi-structure interviews with PE section chiefs, teachers, homeroom teachers, coaches and students of the PEAPC. Constant comparative method was used to analyze data. Three conclusions were acquired as follows. To every PEAPC, art-and-skill subjects cannot be allocated in its classroom schedule. Holistic character education was affected. Athletic teachers were arranged to teach according to their specialties. They asked for no pay when the training hours were beyond their teaching ones. To every school with PEAPC, the rule of grounding and cultivating athletics of Taoyuan County was hold. The channels of multi-admission for senior high school students are equal but lack of flexibilities. To those excellent athletics, they cannot but apply for schools with luck. So they are not prone to pass the entrance examinations. Teachers of PEAPC are in the employ of the selection of every school. Those who are able to support the priority of the school will be selected first. The professional background of the coaches and their scientific approach of training are taken into consideration simultaneously. Vacancies will be filled with part-time professional coaches. Suggestions are made from the above findings in reference to teachers, school authorities and the coming researchers. Keywords: PEAPC (of senior high), professional curriculum, channels of multi-admission



高中體育班, 專業課程, 多元入學管道, PEAPC(of seniorhigh), professional curriculum, channels of multi-admission

