dc.contributor | 黃城 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 蔡承旺 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-28T02:21:09Z | |
dc.date.available | 2006-8-20 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-28T02:21:09Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2006 | |
dc.description.abstract | 自從20世紀70年代直至冷戰結束以來,多元性的區域經濟合作使區域間利益共享、經濟相互依賴、相互滲透,相互依賴成為一個「時髦用語」(buzzword)。1977年,基歐漢(Keohane)和奈(Nye)合著的《權力與相互依賴》,針對現實主義的一些核心假設,提出了自己的複合相互依賴(complex interdependence)模式,是一個重要的理論創新,其運用「敏感性」(sensitivity)與「脆弱性」(vulnerabi - lity)這兩個概念,深入探討了相互依賴的非對稱性問題,是互賴理論的倡導者與集大成者。發展至今,互賴理論已是當代國際政治學中最有影響力的思潮之一。 互賴理論承認國家是國際政治的「關鍵行為體」,但它強調國家或國際體系行為者以經貿的、合作的行為假設,修正或彌補了傳統現實主義以軍事力量作為權力來源的互動關係。這種觀點的價值在於基歐漢和奈並不是試圖把不同的立場鑄成一成不變的陳規並使之完全互為敵對,而是致力於將不同的研究方法結合以解釋錯綜複雜的世界事務。許多的美國學者認為這一學派所體現出的溫和性用以解釋世界情勢具有相當大的合理性,也正因為如此,本研究選擇互賴理論作為論述兩岸經貿關係的主要理論基礎,對研究過程與結果的建構具有合理的解釋能力。 本研究發現兩岸經貿互賴所蘊涵的脆弱性是雙向的,即「相互脆弱性」(mut- ual vulnerability)的體現,因此台灣不用擔心中國市場興起壯大,在政策思惟上,應該將台灣定位在整個大中華經濟圈的正中心(core),而非漠視這股趨勢,將自己放逐至邊陲(periphery)。台灣應展現更大的自信,掌握兩岸經貿關係發展的主動權。 金門自1949年以來的經濟發展,基本上實行的是以台北中央政府的價值判斷為主,始終是一種被支配的工具性邊陲角色,不均衡的地方發展情況,是威權體制支配模式下,一個國家層次的調節和制度作用後的結果。戰地政務時期,將金門概括成「孤島」,是金門的經濟系統生存於兩岸對峙環境中的真實反映,這種「孤島」以物質的(經濟、地域、體制)和非物質的(文化、觀念、心理)形式存在。本研究認為走出「孤島」,而非留戀「孤島」,是現階段深入研究問題所不能迴避的,金門如果缺少對外的開放性,就很難找到其生存的位置;失去總體目標的導向,就會走向無序、無度,陷於盲目、封閉、僵化、停滯之中。政府的角色應提供一個穩定且可預測的政經環境是最基本任務,然後要為金門社會創造一個充滿特質及挑戰性的遠景。 金廈水域在過去的半個多世紀裡,在兩岸關係中扮演著重要的角色,但仍有很大的潛力。在兩岸政治僵持與經貿互賴的格局中,為金廈經濟合作發展提供了歷史性的機遇,政府應從全局的角度、長遠的觀點、戰略的高度來看待金門的發展問題,善用金門在兩岸中的關鍵性角色。本研究建議將金門明確定位為「兩岸合作的創新基地」,勇於「開創新局」,研擬金門經濟發展策略。 從金廈經濟合作到金廈經濟整合,建議可以分為以下三個階段進行: (一)、近程階段:推動金廈經貿關係正常化 (二)、中程階段:建立「金廈自由貿易區」(Kinmen& Xiamen Free Trade Area) (三)、遠程階段:建立「金廈經濟共同體」(Kinmen & Xiamen Economic Union) 唯有如此,一方面才可以解決金門經濟持續發展所面臨的諸如市場容量狹小、資源稟賦有限、要素自給不足等瓶頸性問題,另一方面才有可能成為國際化的區域性人流、金流、物流和資訊流的彙集區,並最終發展成為國際化區域經濟中心。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | From 20th century 70’s to the end of the cold war, the economic cooperation of multi-areas let us share the profit from the areas and depend on each other in the trade. The word for 「Interdependence」becomes a buzzword today. In 1977, the book of Keohane and Nye named《The power and the Interdependence 》mentioned the model of complex interdependence to the core-hypothesis of the realism. The theory which is creative and important uses two concepts of sensitivity and vulnerability. They discuss deeply about the asymmetry of interdependence. The theory is as well as pioneer in the domain of the theory of interdependence. Till now, this theory is the most influential to the international politics. The theory of interdependence believes that the country is the essential behavior body of international politics. It emphasises that the essential behavior body substitute the economic cooperation for traditional military force to interaction relation which originates as the authority. Actually, Keohane and Nye don’t want to put these two different stands in a conflict. They just try to organize them and different study methods to explain the international affairs. Many American scholars think it is reasonable to explain the world trend by this mild school. Therefore, we will get a reasonable study process and result by the theory of interdependence to discuss the cross-strait relationship. We have found the mutual vulnerability from the interdependence of cross-strait trade. Therefore, Taiwan doesn’t need to worry about the China market being stronger in the future. We should be considered as well as a role in the core of the great China economic area. We should not be exiled to the periphery. To improve the relationship between Taiwan and Mainland China will be better for our economic development. Taiwan should be confident of getting the main right to develop the cross-strait trade . It is worth a lot to the government to think about it. From 1949, Kinmen plays a sub-role when its economic development policy always accords with the central government in Taipei. This kind of condition is due to centralized policy. Battlefield government affairs time, Kinmen’s economic system was considered as an isolated island caused the conflict between Taiwan and Mainland China. It existed on material(economy and region and system) and non-material(idea and psychology) forms. The article thought that the Kinmen should get rid of the isolated island and it is the present stage thorough research. Regarding the economy of Kinmen, it is hard to find its position if Kinmen is lack of an open-minded attitude. On the other hand, it will be also led to disorder and non-developed situation if there is not a complete strategy for its development. However, the government can help Kinmen to be more creative and competitive in the future. The sea area between Kinmen& Xiamen played an important role for Taiwan& Mainland China in the past more than half centuries. Today, it is still great potential to provide a historical chance to the economic development of Kinmen & Xiamen under the idle political and trade interdependent situation. The government should consider its long-term development and acquires of profit from its role between Taiwan and Mainland China. The article suggests that Kinmen should be fixed his role as an innovative base for cooperation ofTaiwan and Mainland China. It should dare to find the newest way to plan its economic strategy. From the economic cooperation of Kenmen& Xiamen to the economic organization of Kinmen & Xiamen. Be suggested 3 steps as follow: (一) Short-term strategy: Impetus Kinmen & Xiamen Trade Normalization of relation. (二) Mid-term strategy: Establishment Kinmen & Xiamen Free Trade Area (三) Long-term strategy: Establishment Kinmen&Xiamen Economic Union Finally, the 3 steps can help Kinmen & Xiamen to solve their market narrow and small and insufficient information and non-self-sufficient problem. On the other hand, it has the possibility to become an international financial and cargos and information center. It will eventually become an international center. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 政治學研究所 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | G0089110009 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0089110009%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85379 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 互賴理論 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 敏感性 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 脆弱性 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 策略 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 經濟整合 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | Interdependence Theory | en_US |
dc.subject | Sensitivity | en_US |
dc.subject | Vulnerability | en_US |
dc.subject | Strategy | en_US |
dc.subject | Economic Integration | en_US |
dc.title | 以互賴理論建構金門經濟發展策略 | zh_TW |
dc.title | To depend on the theory of interdependence to construct the Kinmen economic development strategy | en_US |
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