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摘要 本研究目的旨在探討臺北市升大學文理補習班的變遷。透過對現存資料的分析整理,輔以對數位對補習班生態相當瞭解者的訪談,獲致結論如下: 一、臺北市升大學文理補習班變遷與臺灣經濟狀況、教育制度、人口數量,與升學主義密切相關。升學主義尤其扮演重要角色。 二、臺北市升大學補習班的變遷有其階段性,重要轉折包括建國、志成雙雄並峙、朱世衡等脫離建國補習班另成立立人補習班、政府禁止補習班新設、立人補習班王榮麟扭轉經營取向為偏重設備與招生、政府開放補習班新設。目前補習班的發展則以社區化、資訊化,與商業化為可能趨勢。 三、臺北市升大學文理補習班引發的重大爭議甚多,包括:補習班破壞考試公平、學校師生可否到補習班授課或上課、補習班公共安全值得正視等。 四、臺北市升大學文理補習班經營為商業化取向。在實際操作上偏重宣傳、師資,提高升學率;較忽略學生身心狀況、建築與公安。 五、臺北市政府相關單位對臺北市升大學補習班的管理成效不如人意,主要原因包括補習班定位不明,法令修改不切實際,以及人手不足、外界關說等,然相關單位的管理策略亦能日趨務實。 六、臺北市升大學文理補習班因為交通便利與房租低廉,大量進駐南陽街,產生聚集利益,目前依然為補習班重鎮。 七、臺北市補習教育事業協會對臺北市補習教育的發展甚具貢獻,但代表性猶待加強。 八、臺北市升大學文理補習班存在係基於社會的需要,具有正面社會功能,如安頓考生,提升學生程度,但加劇升學競爭,亦有其負面影響。
A Study on the Emergence and Transition of Taipei’s Cram Schools for College Entrance Exams Abstract The main purpose of this study is to inquire the emergence and transition of Taipei’s cram schools for college entrance exams (TCSCEE). By analyzing the literature on the subject and the interviews with important figures in the cram school circles, conclusions are as follows: 1. The emergence and transition of TCSCEE is influenced by the economic situation, the educational system, the population quantity, and people’s attitude to a higher school. Among these factors, the attitude plays the most important role. 2. The transition of TCSCEE has different developmental stages. Five events result in those transitions. The first is the monopoly of Jian Guo Cram School and Zhi Cheng Cram School. The second is Zhu Shi-heng’s break away from Jian Guo and his establishment of Li Ren Cram School. The third is the government’s prohibition against new cram schools. The fourth is the shift in the operating strategy to emphasizing the cram schools’ facilities and advertising by Wang Rong-lin of Li Ren. The last is the government’s permission of the establishment of new cram schools. At present, the possible trend of cram schools’ development is communitization, informationization, and commercialization. 3. There are many huge controversies caused by TCSCEE, including the violation of exam equity by cram schools, whether the high school teachers can teach at cram schools, whether students can go to cram schools, the public safety of cram schools’ building, and so forth. 4. The operation of TCSCEE is commerce-oriented. In practice, advertising, promotion, and the quality of teachers are emphasized in order to raise the rate of entering colleges; the health of students’ body and mind, the structures of the cram schools’ buildings or the classrooms, and the public safety are relatively neglected. 5. The proper authorities do not effectively and attentively manage and regulate TCSCEE. The main reasons include the ambiguity of the cram school’s legal position, the unpracticality of the law, the shortage of government’s manpower, and the lobbying of interest groups. However, government’s strategies to manage them become more and more practical. 6. There were many TCSCEE located in Nan Yang Street because of the convenient transportation and the low rent. This generates the benefits of agglomeration, and Nan Yang Street is still a center of TCSCEE. 7. The Association of Taipei’s Supplementary Schools has much contribution to the development of Taipei’s supplementary education. But its representation needs to be enhanced. 8. TCSCEE has positive social functions, such as helping those nonpassing students settle down and empowering their abilities. However, it still has some negative influences, such as strengthening the competition among students.



臺北市, 補習班, 大學聯招, 補教協會, 升學競爭, Taipei City, cram school, college entrance exam, the Association of Taipei’s Supplementary Schools





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