運用同儕戲劇教育課程於國中生預防新興藥物濫用教育介入研究 -以台北市某國中學生為例

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摘要 本研究目的在發展一套「藥物教育之同儕戲劇教育課程」,並探討其介入後的教育成效及學生對該課程的評價。本研究採「實驗組對照組前後測研究設計」,以台北市萬華區某兩所學校為實驗組及對照組,並隨機抽樣各四班八年級的學生為研究對象,實驗組學生接受三節課的「藥物教育之同儕戲劇教育課程介入計畫」。總計學生數實驗組為143位,對照組為118位,經前後測資料比對後,有效配對人數為174人,佔研究樣本數的66.67%。研究工具包括前後測成效問卷及課程過程評量問卷,經所取得的資料以卡方檢驗、配對t檢驗、共變數同質檢驗、共變數分析及詹森內曼法等統計方法分析,所得重要結果分別列點陳述於後:(一) 在「預防藥物濫用個人因素」之「藥物濫用知識」及「藥物濫用態度」上,實驗組之後測得分高於前測,且達統計上顯著差異,且經由排除實驗組及與對照組前測差異後,後測得分仍能達到統計上顯著差異;在「自尊」上,實驗組前後測無顯著差異,進一步排除實驗組及對照組前測差異後,調整過後的平均值實驗組高於對照組,但其後測得分無達到統計上顯著差異。(二) 在「藥物濫用同儕相關因素」之「同儕影響」及「同儕規範」上,實驗組前後測之得分無顯著差異,進一步排除實驗組及對照組前測差異後,調整後的平均值,實驗組負向同儕影響得分低於對照組,正向同儕規範高於對照組,但其後測得分無達到統計上顯著差異。(三) 在「預防藥物濫用生活技巧」之「拒絕的技巧」、「做決定的技巧」及「問題解決的技巧」上,實驗組之後測得分高於前測,且達統計上顯著差異,且經由排除實驗組及對照組前測差異後,調整過後的平均值實驗組高於對照組,後測得分仍能達到統計上顯著差異;在「溝通技巧」上,實驗組前後測得分上在統計上沒有顯著差異,反而是控制組有顯著差異,但其為負向,進一步經由排除實驗組及與對照組前測差異後,調整後的平均值實驗組高於對照組,且其後測得分達到統計上顯著差異 。(四) 在「拒絕藥物自我效能」上,實驗組之後測得分高於前測,且達統計上顯著差異,進一步經由詹森內曼統計分析後,實驗組及對照組學生之前測分數皆在高於10.03分的立足點下,後測得分皆超過13.72,因此學生在拒絕藥物自我效能上有顯著差異。(五) 在「藥物濫用行為意向」上,實驗組在前後測得分上沒有顯著差異,進一步由詹森內曼統計分析後,實驗組及對照組學生之前測分數皆在高於4.47分的立足點下,後測得分未低於3.17,因此學生在藥物濫用行為意向上無顯著差異。(六) 學生對本研究課程整體評價及滿意程度皆達到八成以上,得到大多數學生的喜愛與肯定。 整體而言,本研究介入課程在國中生預防藥物濫用上具有顯著效果,特別是在預防藥物濫用生活技能上(包括拒絕的技巧、做決定的技巧、問題解決的技巧、溝通技巧等),對學生有很大的助益,而生活技能的運用,能廣泛運用至各種健康議題(如性教育、營養教育、菸害教育等),以幫助人民獲得更健康的生活,因此建議未來推行方式,可以運用此種以同儕為主的互動式戲劇教學,融入相關健康議題,教導青少年相關生活技巧。
Abstract The purpose of this study is to develop an effective peer’s drug education in drama programs, to determine the effectiveness of the education intervention, and to evaluate students’ acceptance of the program. Quasi-experimental method was used to explore the effect of the three-session campaign on junior high school students. Two hundred and sixty one students from eighth grade participated in this study. Students were selected from two junior high schools in the same adjacent district in Wan-hua. The instruments included pre/post questionnaires of effectiveness evaluation of the program and process evaluation questionnaires of the courses. There were one hundred and seventy four students finished the pre-test and post-test questionnaires. The statistics methods include Chi-square test, paired-t test, one-way ANCOVA test, and Johnson-Neyman test. The major results were as follows: (1) On the experimental group, the mean scores of knowledge, attitudes, refusal skills, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and refusal self-efficacy about drug education in the post-test were better than the scores in the pre-test, and the differences were statistical significant. On communication skills, the experimental group didn’t show any statistical significance on pre-post tests. However, there is statistical significance on the control group, but it showed negatively. (2) The adjusted mean scores of knowledge, attitudes, refusal skills, decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills about drug education in the post-test of the experimental group were better than the scores in the control group, and the differences were significant. (3) Regarding Johnson-Neyman test, on the refusal self-efficacy, the scores of the experimental group and control group were higher than 10.03 and they were all higher than 13.72 on the post-test. Therefore, there is statistical significance on the self-efficacy of students’ refusals on medicine. Regarding the intention to drug abuse, there is no significance on pre/post tests on the experimental group. After being analyzed by Johnson-Neyman test, the scores of the experimental and control groups were all higher than 4.47, and the scores of post-test were not lower than 3.17. Therefore, the intention of drug abuse behavior was not statistically significant. (4) At least 80% of the students felt satisfactory about the format, educational contents and effects of the drug education.



藥物濫用防治教育, 戲劇教育, 同儕教育, 生活技巧, 青少年, prevention drug abuse education, drama in education, peer education, life skill, Adolescent





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