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本研究使用之二手資料來自104度國民心理健康調查之前驅測試,問卷根據台灣社會變遷基本調查之抽樣分層進行,於全台北、中、南、東四大地理區域進行收案,抽樣調查全台灣65歲以上的老年人,共162位。研究對象平均年齡74.12 ±6.38歲,男性受訪者46.9%;女性占53.1%。統計分析以套裝軟體SPSS 22.0進行描述性統計與相關分析驗證。
結果顯示心理幸福感為家庭關係與身體健康狀況之中介變項;同時考慮家庭關係、心理幸福感對身體健康狀況之解釋力時,家庭關係的解釋力下降(從原來β=.36,p<0.001下降為β=.15,p<0.05),而心理幸福感仍然維持一樣的解釋力(β=.54,p<0.001和β=.47,p<0.001);並以Sobel test檢驗,中介效果的標準化效果量為0.216,且心理幸福感和家庭關係的交互作用不顯著。
Objective: This study examined the psychological well-being between family relationship and physical health.Despite the recognition of the importance of social support with family relationship, little theoreticalwork has been done that provides a conceptual framework for understandingthe relationships between psychological well-being and physical health. Try to explain the pathways between family relationahip,psychological well-being and physical health with elderly. Methods : Use secondary data from the pilot study ofHealth and Well-being in Taiwan(2015).Design by stratified sampling with Taiwan Social Change Survey. Collected data from fourprimaryadministrative district in Taiwan.162 participants were more than 65 years old.Participants mean age were 74.12 ±6.38 years old consists of46.9% men and 53.1% women. Results: Psychological well-being was a mediating effect between family relationship and physical health.Try to response the Familism in Chinese culture influencing the construction of well-being.The relationship with intimate family members is a important source with elderly.Besides,perceived physical health was impacted by social psychological factor.When elderly possess sufficient psychologicalcapital,it would give positive feedback in explicit physical condition.In facing the challenges of aging society,elderly should live happier to live longer.Reach the vision for healthy life expectancy.
Objective: This study examined the psychological well-being between family relationship and physical health.Despite the recognition of the importance of social support with family relationship, little theoreticalwork has been done that provides a conceptual framework for understandingthe relationships between psychological well-being and physical health. Try to explain the pathways between family relationahip,psychological well-being and physical health with elderly. Methods : Use secondary data from the pilot study ofHealth and Well-being in Taiwan(2015).Design by stratified sampling with Taiwan Social Change Survey. Collected data from fourprimaryadministrative district in Taiwan.162 participants were more than 65 years old.Participants mean age were 74.12 ±6.38 years old consists of46.9% men and 53.1% women. Results: Psychological well-being was a mediating effect between family relationship and physical health.Try to response the Familism in Chinese culture influencing the construction of well-being.The relationship with intimate family members is a important source with elderly.Besides,perceived physical health was impacted by social psychological factor.When elderly possess sufficient psychologicalcapital,it would give positive feedback in explicit physical condition.In facing the challenges of aging society,elderly should live happier to live longer.Reach the vision for healthy life expectancy.
老年人, 家庭關係, 身體健康狀況, 幸福感, elderly, family relationship, physical health, Psychological well-being