E. B. 懷特烏托邦理想的呈現

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在1952年出版的《夏綠蒂的網》作品中,埃爾文•布魯克斯•懷特(E. B. White)採用動物擬人的語言文字作為對話溝通工具,並描寫美國四季風貌與生命自然循環的敘事手法作為架構,構築了一種脫離歷史的生活,因為作品中沒有提及第二次世界大戰(1939年至1945年)。這種方法在社會動盪中提供了個人慰藉,有助於鞏固美國家庭與農場的價值和情感。本文主要以分析《夏綠蒂的網》(Charlotte’s Web)來探討E. B. 懷特所描繪的替代現實中動物與人類角色發展之間的互動關係。首先,我以烏托邦理論架構分析兒童文學作品,特別是露絲•萊維塔斯(Ruth Levitas)的社會想像重構理論,並闡述為何兒童角色的探問與追求並不愚昧,進而探究烏托邦的動態社會關懷與塑造進程中想像與現實的衝突。在E. B. 懷特的兒童文學作品中,讀者可以看到,想像敘事的力量以及兒童天真行為與情感也在情節發展中不可忽視。本文旨在分析文本中兒童與成人不同視角的衝突,試圖從中闡明E. B. 懷特的社會同理與改變行動,並探究出影響《夏綠蒂的網》烏托邦元素的開放敘述,吸引讀者並傳達關於人類追求希望、美國精神探索。
In Charlotte’s Web (1952), E. B. White employs anthropomorphic language as a means of dialogue, and the depiction of America’s four seasons and the natural cycle of life as narrative structures. These elements construct a life detached from historical events, as the works do not mention World War II (1939-1945). This approach provides personal solace amid social turmoil and helps solidify the values and emotions associated with American family and farm life. This study primarily analyzes Charlotte’s Web to explore the interactions between animal and human characters in the alternative realities depicted by E. B. White. Utilizing a utopian framework, particularly drawing on Ruth Levitas’s theory of the imaginary reconstitution of society, I analyze children’s literature to explain why the inquiries and pursuits of child characters are not naive. This study explores the dynamic social care and conflicting dynamics between imagination and reality in utopian construction. In E. B. White’s children’s literature, readers can observe the power of imaginative storytelling and the significance of children’s innocent behaviors and emotions in plot development. The study analyzes the conflicts between children’s and adults’ perspectives in the texts, attempting to elucidate E. B. White’s social empathy and actions for change, and exploring the open narratives influencing the utopian elements in Charlotte’s Web, aiming to engage readers and convey messages about humanity’s pursuit of hope and exploration of the American spirit.



埃爾文•布魯克斯•懷特, 《夏綠蒂的網》, 兒童文學, 烏托邦理論, 自然循環, 動物與人關係, 社會關懷, Elwyn Brooks White, Charlotte’s Web, children’s literature, Utopian Theory, natural cycles, animal and human relationships, social care





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