自我一致性與識別融合對人類品牌行銷的影響: 以知覺互動性為干擾變數
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行銷領域愈來愈常使用名人品牌 (human brands),而且伴隨著社群網站如臉書的興盛,許多名人使用粉絲頁與粉絲從事直接互動,並在臉書上揭露更多的訊息(例如家庭生活、休閒、事業、想法等),這些將如何影響人們對名人的態度,是名人行銷上的重要議題。首先,名人會在臉書從事形象管理 (impression management),他們的形象與粉絲知覺到的實際自我和理想自我一致性,是否能增進人們所感受到的品牌真實性和情感品牌依附,進而影響粉絲願意從事正面的口碑宣傳?第二,名人所呈現的臉書形象可能與他們在大眾媒體上的形象相同(形象融合度高)或相異(形象融合度低),而高低形象融合度何者有利?第三,臉書提供了名人與粉絲直接互動的機會。本研究也將粉絲的知覺互動性視作是一個調節者,進一步討論其如何影響實際自我和理想自我一致性的效果。本研究的發現可以為名人的社群行銷提供管理的影響和建議。
Human brands are increasingly being used by marketers. Social networking sites provide functions such as Facebook fan pages where human brands can connect with their fans. Images presented in fan pages are not always the same as those in mass media. Fusion of those images, as well as actual and ideal-self congruence, and perceived interactivity positively influence word of mouth through positive influence on perceived brand authenticity and emotional brand attachment. However, when perceived interactivity is introduced as a moderating effect on actual-self congruence, brand authenticity is negatively affected decreasing emotional brand attachment and positive word of mouth. Managerial implications and recommendations for future research are provided.
Human brands are increasingly being used by marketers. Social networking sites provide functions such as Facebook fan pages where human brands can connect with their fans. Images presented in fan pages are not always the same as those in mass media. Fusion of those images, as well as actual and ideal-self congruence, and perceived interactivity positively influence word of mouth through positive influence on perceived brand authenticity and emotional brand attachment. However, when perceived interactivity is introduced as a moderating effect on actual-self congruence, brand authenticity is negatively affected decreasing emotional brand attachment and positive word of mouth. Managerial implications and recommendations for future research are provided.
名人品牌, 臉書名人粉絲專頁, 自我一致性, 識別融合, 知覺互動性, 品牌真實性, 情感品牌依附, 正面口碑, Human brand, Facebook fan page, self-congruence, identity fusion, perceived interactivity, perceived brand authenticity, emotional brand attachment, positive word of mouth