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(二)支持性服務滿意度得分最高的向度為資源教師(M= 4.05),得分最低的為生涯輔導(M=3.62)。整體服務的滿意度平均數為3.82。
A study of college students with disabilities satisfaction with support services and Institutional integration Chih-Kuang Chue Abstract This study was to explore the College students with disabilities satisfaction with support services, Institutional integration of the current situation and to explore the personal background variables, satisfaction with support services and institutional integration of the relationship between variables. In this study, quantitative research was supplemented by qualitative interviews. Quantitative research institutions in North District 10 resource room students, seven types of disabilities to categories of students as the research object, the preparation of "resource room student support services and institutional integration satisfaction questionnaire", 260 copies of questionnaires, effective recovery a total of 243 copies of the questionnaire. Quantitative questionnaire includes personal variables, satisfaction with support services (academic assistance, life guidance, psychological counseling, career counseling, and resource room’s teachers) and institutional integration (academic integration and social integration). Information was available to the Chinese version of SPSS15.0 for descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis. Part of qualitative research to quantify the results based on selected satisfaction with support services (high, medium and low) and institutional integration (high, medium and low). Choosing 18 students within total of nine categories to have individual interviews The quantitative findings were as follows: (A)college students with disabilities to participate in the campus activities there are some difficulties and inconvenience. (B) satisfaction with support services of the highest scores for the resource room’s teachers (M = 4.04), the lowest score for the career counseling (M = 3.61). Overall, the average of service satisfaction is 3.82. (C)college students with disabilities in "academic integration scale (M = 3.50)" slightly higher than the "human scale integration (M = 3.48)". The "teachers care about students and teaching development (M = 3.67)" scored the highest, "academic and intellectual development (M = 3.38)" and " peer interaction (M = 3.38)" score a minimum. (D) studies have shown that the higher the initial commitment, support services for students of higher satisfaction. (E) there were significant differences between the academic integration of female and male, because the former was significantly higher. (F) "Entrance exams" students in the "integration of people," the average subscale scores significantly higher than that of "separate school enrollment" students. (G) the initial commitment to the students of different academic integration, social integration, there were significant differences in school integration, and the initial commitment to "high risk" students in "institutional integration" and "academic integration", "social integration" significantly higher than the initial commitment to "high degree" and "level" of students. (H) "a high degree of community participation" students "institutional integration" and "academic integration", "social integration" significantly higher than "moderate associations "and" low-level community participation "of students. (I) satisfaction with support services and institutional integration (integration of academic and social integration) showed positive correlation. Part of qualitative research (A) as follows are five points of the satisfaction of support services: the feeling of their own progress, the need was met, with the service provider interaction, the content of services and the gap between demands, and students with universities in support of the previous services compared to former experience. (B) the factors of academic integration including responsibility, self-demands, services impacts, pre-prepared service, the affects from parents and professors. (C) the factors for college students with disabilities to integrate relationship were included in the course of personality and social skills, students with disabilities social integrated in resources room , students with disabilities were more than a source of integration for students with disabilities, interpersonal expectations for relationships, lifestyle caused by disabilities. (D) satisfaction with support services and institutional integration relations, summed up the following four points: service not only to assist students but enrich their strength; the effect of service limited the operation of learning and interpersonal relationships or the most important on their own; need help from the classroom teachers but did not dare to look for resources, will have an impact on performance; resources room is itself a service, and is the source of a sense of belonging among students. In this study, based on quantitative and qualitative research findings, make conclusions and suggestions for students with disabilities in higher education counseling and future research. Keywords: college students with disabilities, satisfaction with support services, institutional integration
A study of college students with disabilities satisfaction with support services and Institutional integration Chih-Kuang Chue Abstract This study was to explore the College students with disabilities satisfaction with support services, Institutional integration of the current situation and to explore the personal background variables, satisfaction with support services and institutional integration of the relationship between variables. In this study, quantitative research was supplemented by qualitative interviews. Quantitative research institutions in North District 10 resource room students, seven types of disabilities to categories of students as the research object, the preparation of "resource room student support services and institutional integration satisfaction questionnaire", 260 copies of questionnaires, effective recovery a total of 243 copies of the questionnaire. Quantitative questionnaire includes personal variables, satisfaction with support services (academic assistance, life guidance, psychological counseling, career counseling, and resource room’s teachers) and institutional integration (academic integration and social integration). Information was available to the Chinese version of SPSS15.0 for descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis. Part of qualitative research to quantify the results based on selected satisfaction with support services (high, medium and low) and institutional integration (high, medium and low). Choosing 18 students within total of nine categories to have individual interviews The quantitative findings were as follows: (A)college students with disabilities to participate in the campus activities there are some difficulties and inconvenience. (B) satisfaction with support services of the highest scores for the resource room’s teachers (M = 4.04), the lowest score for the career counseling (M = 3.61). Overall, the average of service satisfaction is 3.82. (C)college students with disabilities in "academic integration scale (M = 3.50)" slightly higher than the "human scale integration (M = 3.48)". The "teachers care about students and teaching development (M = 3.67)" scored the highest, "academic and intellectual development (M = 3.38)" and " peer interaction (M = 3.38)" score a minimum. (D) studies have shown that the higher the initial commitment, support services for students of higher satisfaction. (E) there were significant differences between the academic integration of female and male, because the former was significantly higher. (F) "Entrance exams" students in the "integration of people," the average subscale scores significantly higher than that of "separate school enrollment" students. (G) the initial commitment to the students of different academic integration, social integration, there were significant differences in school integration, and the initial commitment to "high risk" students in "institutional integration" and "academic integration", "social integration" significantly higher than the initial commitment to "high degree" and "level" of students. (H) "a high degree of community participation" students "institutional integration" and "academic integration", "social integration" significantly higher than "moderate associations "and" low-level community participation "of students. (I) satisfaction with support services and institutional integration (integration of academic and social integration) showed positive correlation. Part of qualitative research (A) as follows are five points of the satisfaction of support services: the feeling of their own progress, the need was met, with the service provider interaction, the content of services and the gap between demands, and students with universities in support of the previous services compared to former experience. (B) the factors of academic integration including responsibility, self-demands, services impacts, pre-prepared service, the affects from parents and professors. (C) the factors for college students with disabilities to integrate relationship were included in the course of personality and social skills, students with disabilities social integrated in resources room , students with disabilities were more than a source of integration for students with disabilities, interpersonal expectations for relationships, lifestyle caused by disabilities. (D) satisfaction with support services and institutional integration relations, summed up the following four points: service not only to assist students but enrich their strength; the effect of service limited the operation of learning and interpersonal relationships or the most important on their own; need help from the classroom teachers but did not dare to look for resources, will have an impact on performance; resources room is itself a service, and is the source of a sense of belonging among students. In this study, based on quantitative and qualitative research findings, make conclusions and suggestions for students with disabilities in higher education counseling and future research. Keywords: college students with disabilities, satisfaction with support services, institutional integration
身心障礙大學生, 支持性服務滿意度, 校園整合, college students with disabilities, disabilities support service, instituitional integration