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Department of Civil Education and Leadership, NTNU


本文嘗試探詢,我國九年一貫社會領域新課綱之修訂,反映出什麼樣的公民教育典範預設?此公民教育典範預設,如何呼應我國當前公民教育所面臨的挑戰?以自由主義、公民共和主義以及多元文化主義三項公民教育典範為分析之理念型進行分析,本文指出:新課綱的修訂內容,反映出強化多元文化主義的新趨勢,而其具體內容則表現在新增加了「文化性存有」與「階級議題」兩項新課題的相關討論。新課綱的多元文化主義新取向,對於我國公民教育具有下述二項正面意義:1.文化性存有的討論,可調整過去將多元文化僅限於不同文化並陳的介紹方式,並開啟新的多元文化對話教學模式,因而得以深化不同文化相互尊重之基礎; 2. 勞動人權的討論,可調整過去課程的中產階級價值取向,深化對階級再製的思考,修正長期以來,我國公民教育對於階級議題的忽視。然而,此新課綱也帶來如何化解自由主義與多元文化主義之衝突的教學挑戰。
This article explores modifications in the philosophy of citizenship education in the newly revised Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines for Social Studies Area, to be implemented in 2011. This article will also explicate how these modifications respond to recent challenges facing citizenship education in Taiwan. Analyzed according to the ideal types of liberalism,civic republicanism, and multiculturalism, it is argued that the new Curriculum Guidelines reflect a multicultural tum. This multicultural tum is accomplished through introduction of the topics “cultural being" and “class issues" into the Curriculum Guidelines.A multicultural tum in the new guidelines contributes to the improvement of citizenship education in Taiwan in two ways. First, the iscussion of “ cultural being" will strengthen the foundation for mutual respect among different cultural groups, by revising the prior model of multicultural education. That model limits itself to the celebration of diversity and ignores the power gap among cultural groups. Second, the introduction of labor rights will compensate for previous omission of issues regarding the reproduction of social class arising from inherent middle-class biases in the curriculum. However, the multicultural tum also brings a new teaching challenge as to how the contradiction between liberalism and multiculturalism can be reconciled when both stand as main themes in the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines.


