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無論在臺灣還是香港小學,圖書教師這個角色絕非只是單純存在於圖書館,而是扮演著建構課程、提供資源以及教學夥伴的角色。透過圖書教師的帶領,學校的教師不再只是孤軍奮戰,而是進入一種協同教學的模式,其不僅能滿足教師在教學資源上的需求外還能滿足學生在學習上的需求。 本研究即在探討臺灣國立臺中教育大學附設實驗國民小學與香港嗇色園主辦可立小學圖書教師參與協同教學的認知與作法等,透過圖書教師、校長、協同團隊來了解兩地間之異同處。由於文化背景與我國相近的香港,在PIRLS成績表現上也相當優異,因此選擇香港是盼能從中發現不一樣的角度與觀點,然後可供未來不同地方之小學圖書教師有個參考之處。 本研究主要透過文獻探討、深度訪談以及最後參考Loertscher理論可歸納出以下六點結論: 一、圖書教師之制度與培訓上,臺灣雖有持續推動但到現今仍是由其他職 位的人員兼職圖書教師;香港早已於每所學校設有專職圖書館主任一名。在培訓上,臺灣僅有短期研習培訓;香港圖則以專業課程導向為主。 二、圖書教師是位課程領導者也是教學上的好夥伴,在參與協同教學中不但有助於學校教學的發展還能有效提升學生的學習。在發展協同教學上,臺灣因主題教學而開啟協同教學;香港則因校外評核開啟。 三、圖書教師參與協同教學時,圖書教師主以規劃課程方向、整合各學科之目標且與各學科進行跨領域合作。 四、圖書教師與學科教師在課堂上進行分工時,圖書教師主以規劃課程架構且向全校教師說明;協同團隊則會採聽從、參與方式配合圖書教師。而在課程實施中,圖書教師規劃主題閱讀課程並做資源提供;協同團隊則是完成後續的教學。 五、圖書教師參與協同教學時,教師們之間的溝通、時間、自我壓力、配課、課程演繹皆會造成協同產生困難。 六、在實施協同教學後,由於能從教師和學生身上看到成長與改變,而協同精神也就持續發酵。 從Loertscher理論中可看出臺灣、香港皆已達到能輔助教師的層次,因此,臺灣、香港兩所學校皆處於高層次的位置。由此可知,圖書教師不但能發揮圖書館功用還能提升學校整體教學,進而達到協同教學之「學」與「教」的目的。 鑿於上述的研究結果可看出本研究分別針對政府、學校、圖書教師與後續研究提供建議,期盼未來除了有更多觀點能被看出外還能提供圖書教師一個參考之處。 關鍵詞:圖書教師、協同教學、認知與作法、異同
Whether in Taiwan or Hong Kong’ primary school, the role of teacher-librarian does not just exist in library but play a role of constructing courses, providing resources, and being a partner with teachers. With the guidance of teacher-librarian, school’s teachers are no longer lonely for teaching but turning into a mode of Team teaching, which can not only meet the needs of teachers in teaching, but also meet the needs of students in learning. This study is mainly to explore the cognition and practice of teacher-librarian between The Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of National Taichung University of Taiwan and Ho Ming Primary School (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) of Hong Kong. Through the teacher-librarians, principals and collaborative teachers of two schools, we can see the similarities and differences between each other. Hong Kong, which cultural background is quite similar to Taiwan and also has a good performance on PIRLS. Therefore, this study is eager to find different perspectives and viewpoints and hope it can be used as a reference for teacher-librarian in the future. This study can summarize the following six results through literature discussion, in-depth interviews, and Loertscher’s theories in the end: First, as we can see the system of teacher-librarian, Taiwan is still holding a concurrent post although it has continued to promote; however, Hong Kong holds a full-time position in each school. As for training, Taiwan has only short-term training while Hong Kong has well-developed one. Second, teacher-librarian plays a role as a course leader and a good partner while participates in Team teaching. Therefore, they can not only contribute the development of teaching but also enhance effectively students' learning. As for the development of team teaching, Taiwan is launched by thematic teaching while Hong Kong is by external school review. Third, teacher-librarian will mainly focus on planning the curriculum, integrating the objectives of each disciplines and cooperating with various disciplines when they participate in team teaching. Fourth, teacher-librarian will primarily program and explain the course structure to teachers and teachers will comply with teacher-librarian when they are in the class. As for course implementation, teacher-librarian will plan the thematic reading course and provide resources while the teachers will complete the follow-up teaching. Fifth, time, self-stresses, class construction, course demonstration and communication with teachers are difficulties while in team teaching. Sixth, the growth and change can be seen from teachers and students after doing team teaching. From the theory of Loertscher, Taiwan and Hong Kong have reached the level of assist. That is, both are in the high position. To sum up, teacher-librarian not only plays an important role in school but also makes teaching more pluralistic. Based on these results as mentioned, this study can not only provide suggestions for government, schools, teacher-librarians and follow-up study but also give teacher-librarians a good reference in the future. Keywords: teacher-librarian, team teaching, cognition and practice, similarities and differences



圖書教師, 協同教學, 認知與作法, 異同, teacher-librarian, team teaching, cognition and practice, similarities and differences





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