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本研究使用問卷調查,探討十二年國教下,國中地科教師心目中學生應具備之地球科學素養及其相關因素。希望透過教學第一線教師們的意見,從實務角度深入探討,試著提出未來因應之道,期許研究能供教育主管機關和學校參考。本研究於民國103年(2014)三月進行正式施測,並於五月進行紙本問卷施測,一共發放160份問卷。最後共有線上問卷50份,紙本問卷共回收68份,回收率42.5%。篩選後剩下110份有效問卷,作為研究分析之樣本。 研究發現將近一半的學校每週只有一節地科課,其中有高達85%認為地科每週一節是非常不夠的,且沒有任何教師覺得每週1節的時數是很足夠的!對於每週授課2節的教師而言,有95%認為這樣的時數剛好、足夠。目前約95%的學校地科課程安排在三上和三下進行,且十二年國教舉行的教育會考約在五月初至五月中舉行,建議地球科學課程應該要每週上兩堂課才是較為恰當的安排。雖然在多媒體教學器材與設備的狀況已較提升,然而在地科專科教室及其內的器材與設備是較為不足的,在中小型學校更為明顯。研究也發現對於12年國教大部分教師皆了解,僅有16%的教師表示不熟悉,但只有32%的教師真的認同12年國教課程的理念與目標內容。另外,在有68%的地科教師要教授不只一科的科目。 根據問卷結果顯示國中地球科學教師對於學生應達到之地球科學素養,在知識部分以天然災害與地球環境相關議題最重要,技能部分以主動應用所學解決日常生活問題為先,而態度部分,珍惜和善用資源及感受或察覺到地球科學在日常生活中的應用是最重要的。在研究中也發現各國中教師雖有不同背景但對於地球科學素養的看法並無明顯差異,不論在性別、年齡、年資、區域和畢業科系皆呈高度相關,表示看法一致。
This study uses survey research to investigate teacher’s expectations of earth science literacy among junior high school students, when the 12-year compulsory education system is implementing in Taiwan. This report utilizes teachers’ perspectives and took practical views to examine the status quo of earth science education at the junior high school level in Taiwan. It is expected that the study will provide useful information for school education improvement and curriculum refinement in Taiwan. The main study involved 160 junior high school teachers and an online survey was conducted in March of 2014, with a response rate of 42.5%. Finally the study had a total of 110 valid survey for paper and online survey. The survey study found that almost half schools only have one class per week, 85% teachers were considered very inadequate. But the schools have two classes per week, 95% teachers were considered enough to teach curriculum completely. About 95% of schools teach earth science curriculum at third grade. Although multimedia and teaching equipment are available, there are shortages of earth science classroom in the small and medium-sized schools. There are three finding about teacher’s view for the 12-year compulsory education system. (1) Most teachers understand the 12-year compulsory education system, and 16% of teachers did not understand the system. (2)32% of teachers agree with the idea of the 12-year compulsory education system. (3)68% of the earth science teachers had to teacher more than one subject. The result of teacher’s expectations of earth science literacy among junior high school students involve three difference phase of knowledge, skill and attitude. Most Earth science literacy knowledge was based on the issues of nature hazard and earth’s environment. The most important Earth science literacy of skill was the problem-solving skills. The most important Earth science literacy of attitudes were that student would treasure and make good use of resources and experience earth science applications in daily life. The teachers with different gender, age, seniority, regional and graduate department had highly correlated views of the earth science literacy. There are no significant differences in the view of the earth science literacy of the junior high school teachers.



12年國教, 國中地球科學教師, 地球科學素養, the 12-year compulsory education system, junior high school earth science teachers, earth science literacy





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