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本研究主要目的在探討大學新生身體意象與生活適應現況及相關情形。以國立中正大學99學年度入學之大學部新生為母群體,以班級為抽樣單位,共抽取12班568名學生為樣本,以結構式問卷團體施測方式進行資料收集,最後得有效樣本520份(有效回收率91.6%)。 本研究結果發現如下: 一、研究對象對外表評價為中間偏正向的態度,身體各部位滿意度介於中間略偏滿意,其中最滿意的是「頭髮」,其次是「臉」,最不滿意的是「軀幹下半部分(屁股、臀圍、大腿、小腿)」。 二、大一男生對外表及身體的滿意度皆較大一女生好;女生較男生重視外表,而不同學院別、家庭社經地位大一新生其身體意象並沒有明顯的差異現象。 三、身體質量指數方面,BMI過輕與正常者在「外表評價」與「身體滿意度」上皆比BMI過重和肥胖者來的正向。 四、目前大學新生之生活適應困擾由高而低依序排列為:社會適應、情緒適應、目標適應、學業適應。 五、研究顯示身體意象愈正向者在目標適應、學業適應、情緒適應、社會適應各方面的困擾越少,生活適應情形越良好。在外表評估及身體各部位滿意度方面,外表自我評價越好、對身體各部位愈滿意之大學新生其在目標適應、學業適應、情緒適應、社會適應各方面的困擾越少,生活適應情形越良好,其中發現外表評價具有最佳的解釋力(β=0.36,P<.001)。
The purpose of this study was respectively to investigate the current situation and to explore the relations between body image and life adjustment among freshmen. The subjects of this research were the freshmen students of National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan, in 2010. The samples were 568 students selected from 12 classes, with a structured questionnaire. This study adopted the questionnaire survey method, and there were 520 valid samples with 91.6% response rate. The major innovations of this study were described as follows: 1.The evaluations of their appearance are positive in attitude . The body area satisfaction is a bit above average. They are most significantly satisfied with their “hair”, followed by "face ". On the contrary, they are mostly dissatisfied with their "lower trunk (buttocks, hip, thigh, calf). 2.The apprearance-and-body satisfaction of the boys are better than girls’. Girls are more concerned their appearance. The body images of students have no significant difference between the different colleges, and family socio-economic level. 3.Experimental subjects with normal or lower body-mass-index (BMI) have more positive attitude in "appearance evaluation" and "body satisfaction" than the objects with higher BMI. 4.The current life adjusting problems of college freshmen were arranged in order: social adjustment, emotional adjustment, goal adjustment academic adjustment . 5.Studies show the more positive body image, the less anxiety in the goal adjustment, academic adjustment, emotional adjustment, and social adjustment. The freshmen, with better appearance evaluation and body satisfaction, suffer from less anxiety in all aspects of life, such as the goal adjustment, academic adjustment, emotional adjustment, social adjustment. Appearance evaluation dominates the index among all items(β=0.36,P<.001).



大學新生, 身體意象, 生活適應, freshmen, body image, life adjustment





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