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本研究之目的在探究遊戲學習對促進兒童道德認知發展的效果,首先探討遊戲理論、道德認知發展理論與遊戲的教育功能;接著編選遊戲學習教材,設計遊戲學習策略;繼而進行遊戲學習教學實驗,以兩所國民小學四年級學生作為實驗對象,分成實驗組與控制組,兩組皆有十四人,其中男生六人,女生八人,採「準實驗研究設計」(quasi-experimental design)「不相等控制組」(nonequivalent-control group design)模式,對實驗組進行十週的遊戲學習教學實驗,並在實驗前與實驗後各以道德判斷問卷(MJI)分別對實驗組與控制組實施前、後測,最後,將數據以t考驗、共變數分析、百分比整體差異卡方考驗等進行統計分析,得到以下之研究結果: 實驗組道德認知成熟分數的增加多於控制組:從兩組前、後測道德認知成熟分數差距的共變數分析得知,實驗組兒童道德認知成熟分數的增加多於控制組,達顯著差異水準;實驗組道德認知成熟分數的增加達顯著差異水準:實驗組前、後測道德認知成熟分數t考驗結果顯示,後測道德認知成熟分數優於前測,達顯著差異水準;實驗組道德認知發展階段的提升多於控制組:實驗組與控制組前、後測道德認知發展階段的進步程度,以百分比整體差異卡方考驗結果顯示,實驗組道德認知發展階段的提升多於控制組,達顯著差異水準;實驗組道德認知發展階段的提升達顯著差異水準:實驗組前、後測道德認知發展階段的進步程度,以百分比整體差異卡方考驗結果顯示,後測道德認知發展階段高於前測,達顯著差異水準。依據上述之研究結果,擬提出以下之結論與建議: 依據遊戲的理論與教育功能編選遊戲學習教材:遊戲學習教材內容包括遊戲競賽以及從遊戲流程中所尋繹的道德意涵,教師可依此意涵編撰道德兩難式困境問題(moral dilemma)作為德育教材;依據遊戲與道德認知發展理論設計遊戲學習策略:遊戲學習的策略在於引導兒童進行遊戲競賽,體驗遊戲流程中的道德意涵,包括公平、同理心、互惠、尊重、負責、合作、誠實、公正、守規等。教師據以設計成道德兩難式困境問題,並且透過討論式教學法,進行小組討論、全班討論、綜合討論以提升兒童道德認知水準。
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of play learning in promoting the development in moral cognition for children. The researcher first discussed issues related to play theory, the development of moral cognition, and the educational function of play. He then designed a study which involved the compilation of materials for play learning and the choice of related strategies. A teaching experiment of play learning then started right after, involving 28 fourth-graders from two elementary schools as the participants. The participants, six boys and eight girls, were divided into the experimental and the control groups. The nonequivalent-control group design of the quasi-experimental method was adopted for the investigation. The Moral Judgment Interview (MJI) was employed before and after the experiment. The research data were subject to statistical analyses by using the t-test, analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA), and chi-square approach. The research results show that the experimental group outperformed the control group concerning the increase in the score of maturity in moral cognition. The former group achieved a bigger gain in the score than the latter one and their difference reached the significant level. As for the experimental group, the result of t-test showed a significant difference between their scores of maturity in moral cognition in the pre- and post-tests. The group also performed better than the control group in terms of the change in the stage of moral cognition development, as shown in the result of chi-square analyses. Based on the research outcomes, the researcher proposes several suggestions for the implementation of play learning. Teachers are suggested to develop materials for play learning which involve competition and moral implication. Materials that involve moral dilemma serve this purpose quite well. Also, teachers have to design strategies that suit the purpose of play learning by referring to theories about play and moral cognition development. The main functions of these strategies are to guide children through the process of play and competition, through which they learn the moral implications to be emphasized: fairness, empathy, mutual benefit, respect, responsibility, cooperation, honesty, justice, compliance to rules, and so on. These issues are to be put into moral dilemma situations that the teacher designs and to be learned through discussions in small group or the entire class. These measures are expected to promote the level of moral cognition for the children.



遊戲, 遊戲學習, 道德認知發展, play, play learning, moral cognition development





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