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背景:青少年的偏差行為與社會控制理論在國內外有許多研究進行探討,但多數研究僅以部分社會鍵做為考量,亦未將不同的個人因素同時納入考量,可能忽略環境脈絡與個人特質間交互影響的關係,再加上現今教育強調以學生為主體,因此亦須從學生經驗出發,了解影響偏差行為的可能因素。 目標:探討臺灣青少年偏差行為成長軌跡間的異質性次群體,並檢驗學生經驗與個人特質對不同成長軌跡的聯合影響效果。 方法:本研究利用臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫中四波追蹤樣本(N = 4163),以學生的學校經驗出發並使用Hirschi提出的社會控制理論作為理論架構,除此之外亦加入個人層次中性別與人格特質的交互作用做為探討,利用混合成長模型(Growth Mixture Model, GMM)探討對偏差行為異質性次群體的影響,並進一步使用多元羅吉斯迴歸分析,期望能找出降低青少年偏差行為的方法。 結果:研究發現臺灣青少年偏差行為軌跡可分為4個不同的類型群組,包含:穩定低偏差、持續上升型、持續下降型與持續高偏差四種異質性次群體,與西方青少年亦有不同偏差行為成長軌跡具有文化上的相似性。除此之外,本研究亦發現青少年偏差行為受到學校抱負的影響,建立較高的學校抱負能降低青少年偏差行為的發生;加入性別的交互作用後可發現男性學生將受到學校參與的影響而達到抑制偏差行為的效果,對女性學生來說,則可透過增加學校信念與學校抱負來降低偏差行為的發生;加入人格特質的交互作用後,具外向性人格的學生可提升學校依附、學校抱負與學校信念藉以降低偏差行為,而對於具內向性人格的學生則可透過提高學校依附、學校抱負與學校參與以減少偏差行為出現的機會。 結論:研究發現青少年偏差行為成長軌跡具有不同類型,且學生經驗與個人特質的交互作用對不同類型的偏差行為成長軌跡有不同的影響效果,能藉以提供第一線的教育或行政人員在學校場域中以學生為出發的降低偏差行為參考,並進一步建立降低偏差行為的良方。
Background: There were many researches used social control theory to investigate means to reduce deviant behaviors. However, most studies only used parts of social bonds and without considering different personal factors. Furthermore, educators are getting more focus on “student based” method and curriculum. As a consequence, it was important to know students’ experiences of school which might influence deviant behavior. Purpose: The aim of this study was to find out whether there were differences trajectories in the growth curve of adolescent deviant behavior and the interactions between students’ experiences and personal factor could affect trajectories or not. Methods: The data used in this study was selected from tracking samples (N=4163) in Taiwan Education Panel Survey. This study considered students’ experience in school and used Hirschi’s social control theory as research framework. Furthermore, this study also discussed gender and personal characteristic which interacted with four social bond in school. To analyzing the data, we used growth mixture model and multinomial logistic regression model to find out the factors can affect the trajectories of adolescent deviant behavior. Results: Research shows there are four different deviant behavior trajectories among Taiwanese adolescents, including: Rare deviant, Increasers, Decreasers and High-Level-Chronics. The same result not only found in western studies but also indicated the similarity of adolescents’ deviant behavior between east and west. Besides, this study also found out high school commitment can reduce deviant behavior. After taking gender into consideration, the result shows by increasing school involvement, male student can decline deviant behavior; female students, on the other hand, can elevate the level of school commitment and school belief to reduce deviant behavior. When it comes to personal characteristic, students who have extroverted personality can decrease deviant behavior by raise the level of school attachment, school commitment and school belief; for students who are introverted, hoisting the level of school attachment, school commitment and school involvement can reduce deviant behavior. Conclusion: There were four different deviant behavior trajectories which could be affected by students’ experiences, gender and characteristic. using the right factors could help educators to reduce juveniles’ deviant behaviors.



臺灣青少年, 偏差行為, 學校經驗, 社會控制理論, 性別, 人格特質, Taiwanese Yuth, Deviant Behavior, School Experience, Social Control Theory, Gender, Personal Trait





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