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本研究目的為探討2012 年倫敦奧運會女子跆拳道49公斤級金牌選手吳靜鈺,於四場比賽中技術之分析。本研究透過觀察選手四場比賽之錄影帶,以事件紀錄法登錄選手攻擊型態、攻擊技術與得分之動作次數,進行描述統計與次數分配百分比之分析。所獲得結果:一、比賽攻擊型態表現:是一位主動攻擊選手,並以右腳與前腳為主要攻擊型態。攻擊慣用腳以右腳為主,右腳在前左腳在後對戰站姿居多,以右前腳攻擊中端或上端為主要戰術。前腳下壓特別優勢,速度特別快。 二、比賽攻擊技術表現:以旋踢為主要攻擊技術,下壓為其次。攻擊技術旋踢、下壓、前踢、側踢主動高於被動。旋踢在慣用左右腳差異不大,下壓、前踢、側踢、後踢、後旋踢慣用右腳高於左腳。旋踢、下壓在慣用前腳高於後腳。攻擊上端以下壓為主要攻擊,下壓上端技術特別優勢。三、比賽得分技術表現:得分效益以主動攻擊為主要,而慣用右前腳上端得分最佳,下壓與旋踢技術為主要得分。得分以右腳前,左腳後為主要得分對戰站姿,且有佳得分能力。攻擊上端之得分率成功最高,擁有優質的上端攻擊能力。成功率以後旋踢攻擊最高、其次後踢,次之為下壓,最後為旋踢。本研究結果除了可以瞭解2012 年倫敦奧運會女子跆拳道49 公斤級金牌選手技術運用之外,更對於跆拳道技術發展有正面的影響,建議未來研究持續蒐集比賽資訊,建立選手比賽成績檔案,加強各層級跆拳道競賽資訊蒐集與分析,提供教練與選手對跆拳道攻擊型態、技術與得分進行評估,提升跆拳道運動之水準 。
The purpose of this study was to examine the technical analysis of 2012 Olympic Games gold medal winner in the female 49 kg Taekwondo competition. The study by observation during her four matches, event recording method was to record the number of attack pattern, attack skill and score, the data were analyzed with descriptive analysis and percentage. The results were : (1)Attack pattern performance; An active attack player, used right foot and forefoot respectively for main attack pattern.The prefer standing position was mainly right leg in front and left foot at back.The right forefoot was mainly attack trunk and head areas.Forefoot axe kick performance advantage and very fast. (2)Attack skill performance;roundhouse kick was performed attack style, axe kick secondly.The active attack skill used roundhouse kick, axe kick, front kick and side kick. Roundhouse kick prefer leg there were no differences significant, but axe kick, front kick, side kick, back kick and back spinning kick attack style prefer used right foot. Roundhouse kick and axe kick used forefoot higher than rearfoot.The mainly attack head used axe kick and skill performance very advantage. (3)Score skill performance;in term valid scoring by active attack, the best scoring usual attack head used right forefoot, axe kick and roundhouse kick skill is major scoring performance. The best score prefer legs standing position was mainly right leg at front and left leg at back. The successful score by attack head and is excellent ability to attack.Back spinning kick was successful performed, back kick secondly, followed axe kick, and last roundhouse kick. The finding of this study provided information for Taekwondo skill has a positive impact, suggestions for continue to gather about taekwondo information study, the establishment of taekwondo athelete archives, and strehgthen information and analysistaekwondo tournament. It could be used us a reference for future training of coaches and atheletes to strengthen attak pattern, attack skill and score skill, and promote enhance the development of Taekwondo. Key words: Taekwondo, Attack pattern, Attack skill, Score, Success rate
The purpose of this study was to examine the technical analysis of 2012 Olympic Games gold medal winner in the female 49 kg Taekwondo competition. The study by observation during her four matches, event recording method was to record the number of attack pattern, attack skill and score, the data were analyzed with descriptive analysis and percentage. The results were : (1)Attack pattern performance; An active attack player, used right foot and forefoot respectively for main attack pattern.The prefer standing position was mainly right leg in front and left foot at back.The right forefoot was mainly attack trunk and head areas.Forefoot axe kick performance advantage and very fast. (2)Attack skill performance;roundhouse kick was performed attack style, axe kick secondly.The active attack skill used roundhouse kick, axe kick, front kick and side kick. Roundhouse kick prefer leg there were no differences significant, but axe kick, front kick, side kick, back kick and back spinning kick attack style prefer used right foot. Roundhouse kick and axe kick used forefoot higher than rearfoot.The mainly attack head used axe kick and skill performance very advantage. (3)Score skill performance;in term valid scoring by active attack, the best scoring usual attack head used right forefoot, axe kick and roundhouse kick skill is major scoring performance. The best score prefer legs standing position was mainly right leg at front and left leg at back. The successful score by attack head and is excellent ability to attack.Back spinning kick was successful performed, back kick secondly, followed axe kick, and last roundhouse kick. The finding of this study provided information for Taekwondo skill has a positive impact, suggestions for continue to gather about taekwondo information study, the establishment of taekwondo athelete archives, and strehgthen information and analysistaekwondo tournament. It could be used us a reference for future training of coaches and atheletes to strengthen attak pattern, attack skill and score skill, and promote enhance the development of Taekwondo. Key words: Taekwondo, Attack pattern, Attack skill, Score, Success rate
跆拳道, 攻擊型態, 攻擊技術, 得分數, 成功率, Taekwondo, Attack patern, Attack skill, Score, Success rate