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受到全球化、客製化與環保趨勢影響,趨使餐廳經營者不斷尋求創新表現,其中創新用餐環境與氣氛營造被認為是影響顧客滿意度關鍵,面對未來發展,創意、空間美學與環境友善將是創新餐廳空間設計需要考量重要因素。基此,本研究具體目的為(一)探究餐廳創新空間設計指標在創意、空間美學、環境友善與營運績效等構面相關要素指標意涵。(二)比較創意、空間美學、環境友善與營運績效之創新餐廳空間設計指標模式,並說明指標間影響關係。(三)分析創意、空間美學、環境友善及營運績效指標影響權重。為達成上述目的本研究採取量化研究法,共30位專家參與問卷調查,經由模糊得爾菲法(FDM)、決策實驗室法(DEMATEL)和網路分析程序法(ANP)分析專家意見建構創意、空間美學、生態友善與營運績效等餐廳創新空間設計指標評估模式。 本研究重要發現包含(一)經由FDM確認創新餐廳空間設計指標包括創意、美學、環境友善與營運績效項下共15項次構面與75項準則。(二)經由DEMATEL分析發現營運績效項下「整體印象」、空間美學項下「精緻與綜合」與環境友善項下「綠色體驗」為各模式中關聯程度較高指標。(三)最後透過ANP分析創新餐廳設計指標項下「特別的」、「顧客贊同」、「掌握訴求重點」、「令人喜歡的用餐環境」、「具互動體驗性」、「考量餐廳運作效率」、「能整體考量」、「具整體感」、「具當地文化特質」、「符合節能」、「考量顧客健康」、「避免空氣污染」、「整體滿意」、「吸引顧客」、「提高營運收入」等準則為各次構面項下權重最高指標應優先處理,本研究結果為實務導向,可作為未來餐廳空間設計及研究發展應用。
Facing the increasingly competitive and dynamic environment, restaurants must provide innovative services to maintain their competitive advantages. Restaurant operators have recently been emphasizing the atmosphere of dining establishments in building customer commitment and loyalty, and they also want to build up reputation through creativity, aesthetics and eco-friendliness of their physical environment design. In view of the situation above, this study aimed at achieving the following: (1) To identify important attributes of innovative physical dining environment design for restaurants; (2) to compare different models of innovative physical dining environment design (creativity, aesthetics, eco-friendliness, and operating performance), and explain the relationship among the indicators; and (3) to analyze the weights of indicators in term of creativity, aesthetics, eco-friendliness, and operating performance. This quantitative study invited 30 experts to conduct a questionnaire survey. With Fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), Decision-Making Trail and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), and Analytic Network Process (ANP), it demonstrated the interactions and relations among the criteria. The study achieved the following results. (1) Through FDM, this study confirmed a total of 75 items, 15 sub-dimensions under the four main dimensions creativity, aesthetics, eco-friendliness and operating performance. (2) DEMATEL analysis showed that “Overall Impression”, “Elaboration& Synthesis“, and “Green Experience” have direct and indirect influences on other indicators. (3) Finally, with ANP analysis, this study identified the most critical attributes of restaurant operation. This information will be beneficial to restaurant managers and interior designers in their decision-making process for restaurant planning and future research applications.



創新, 創意, 空間美學, 環境友善, 用餐環境設計, Innovation, Creativity, Aesthetics, Eco-friendliness, Physical dinning environment design





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