
dc.contributor.authorChang Shu Wenen_US
dc.description.abstract達悟族在台灣十四族原住民族中是唯一一個沒有祖先流傳下來飲酒文化的民族,他們的祖先不釀酒、不喝酒,甚至蘭嶼語言中,沒有『酒』這個字的存在。但眾多的研究數據顯示,酒在達悟族的生活中已站了一席之地,是什麼原因讓一個不喝酒的民族開始與酒在日常生活中有如此的連結? 本文研目的究希望能描繪出達悟族人接觸酒時的時代背景及人際經驗,並瞭解當時的飲酒動機及情境,瞭解達悟族飲酒對於健康的自我態度,在喝與不喝之間抉擇的經驗與過程,以田野觀察的方式瞭解目前部落中飲酒情況和節酒觀念的推行方式。本研究方法以質性研究中的參與觀察法與訪談法進行,研究對象以三位酒類初進蘭嶼即接觸酒的三位受訪者以及野銀教會牧師以及教友各一名,作為三角驗證法的另一方資料來源。 研究結果指出在日據時期,達悟族人對於酒類商品僅止於『知道』的階段尚未接觸,台灣光復後因著菸酒公賣制度、貨幣的進入以及大量達悟族人到台灣工作接觸到酒的經驗後將飲酒習慣帶回蘭嶼,是達悟族開始飲酒的關鍵。本研究以三位長者與酒的生命經驗進而描述飲酒對其代表的意義以及對健康的自我態度。以田野觀察記錄呈現目前在達悟族人的部落中,酒出場的時機及場合,並描繪出目前地方上的教會是如何推行節酒及健康飲酒。因此針對本研究結果對於將來在蘭嶼從事醫療及健康促進人員提出建議,應對達悟族的歷史變遷脈絡有所理解,未來部落健康機制應結合教會、衛生所的醫療體系以及達悟文化傳統力量所營造的社會支持,以達到最合乎當地文化最有效的健康飲酒的推行。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTao is the only tribe that has no liquor-making tradition among the fourteen indigenous peoples of Taiwan. Their ancestors did not make or drink liquors, and the word ‘liquor’ even does not exist in Tao people’s language. Many studies, however, suggested that liquors are now playing an important role in Tao people’s daily life. What started to bring liquors into the everyday life of a tribe that has no tradition of liquor-making? The objective of the present study is to describe the hsitorical and interpersonal context at the time when the first contact between Tao people and alcohol happened, and to know Tao people’s motivation and situation of drinking and their self-perception of health. The study adopts field observation of quality technique to understand alcohol use and the concept of drinking control in the tribe. This research subjects are three Tao elders who had no prior experience with alcohol until the first appearance of it in Lanyu. In order to reach the validity and the affection of study, data from an additional priest and a brethren in Ivalino (野銀) village were also included for the triangle confirmation in data analyses.The results showed that Tao people did not drink alcohol during the Japanese colonial rule period. After Taiwan restoration, the tobacco liquor regime of the monopoly was executed, and currency was introduced into Lanyu. The Tao people experienced drinking alcohol when they worked in Taiwan and brought the habit of alcohol drinking back to Lanyu. This was the key period when Tao people started to drink. Through the life experience of drinking of three Tao elders, this study describes the meanings of drinking and the self-perception of health. The study adopt field observation to document when and where Tao people drink and how the church tries to advocate the concept of control drinking and healthy drinking in the tribe. According to the result, it is suggested that health professionals in Lanyu should understand Tao tribe’s history contexts. In order to effectively advocate the concept of healthy drinking and to make it suitable for the local culture, the tribe health system should also include church, health centers, and the social support from the Tao tradition in the future.en_US
dc.subjectTao tribeen_US
dc.subjecthealthy drinkingen_US
dc.subjectself-perception of healthen_US
dc.titleFirst Contact with Alcohol and Self-Perception of Health: A Story of Three Tao Elders: An Aboriginal Tribe Without Liquor-Making Traditionen_US

