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本研究旨在探討大學生的手足關係,及其個人背景、手足配對組合,與知覺父母偏愛之影響。本研究採問卷調查法,研究工具包括「基本資料」、「知覺父母偏愛量表」,以及「大學生手足關係量表」。針對擁有全手足之大學生,調查其與焦點手足的正向關係(情感親密、情緒支持、了解)與負向關係(爭執、敵意、支配)。以立意取樣與滾雪球,回收有效樣本共423份。研究發現如下: 一、大學生的個人背景、手足配對組合與手足關係 大學生受試者的手足情感交流與互動行為雖不多,但正向關係多於負向關係。個人背景方面,女大學生的手足正向與負向關係顯著多於男大學生。家中有三位兄弟姊妹的大學生,與焦點手足的正向關係顯著多於家中有兩位兄弟姊妹的大學生。身為老么的大學生,手足正向關係顯著少於出生序居中者,手足負向關係顯著少於老大。個人背景中,「出生序」能解釋大學生手足負向關係。手足配對組合方面,姊妹的手足正向關係最多,兄弟的手足負向關係最少。與手足年齡差距越大,手足負向關係越少。與手足不同住的大學生,其手足負向關係顯著少於跟手足同住者。手足配對組合中,「手足性別組合」能解釋大學生手足正負向關係,「手足同住與否」能解釋大學生手足負向關係。 二、大學生的個人背景與知覺父母偏愛 大學生受試者傾向知覺父母偏愛自己,並且知覺父親偏愛與母親偏愛的情形一致。女大學生比男大學生更傾向知覺父親偏愛自己。身為老大或老么比出生序居中的大學生更傾向知覺母親偏愛自己。 三、大學生知覺父母偏愛對手足關係之影響 當大學生知覺父母越偏愛自己,其手足正向關係越多。當大學生知覺父母無所偏愛,其手足負向關係最少;反之,若知覺父母偏愛情形越多,不論知覺偏愛手足或受試者自己,其手足負向關係越多。此外,知覺母親偏愛對手足負向關係的影響大於知覺父親偏愛。 最後,依據本研究之結論,對大學生及其父母、家庭教育工作者與未來研究提供建議。
The purposes of this study were primary to investigate positive/negative sibling relationships of undergraduate students as well as to investigate whether sibling relationships of undergraduate students can be significantly explained by structural variables (gender, age, family size, and birth order), focal sibling-dyad variables (gender composition, age difference, and current coresidence) and perceived parental favoritism. A questionnaire, purposive, and snowball sampling were used to obtain responses from 423 undergraduate students with full-sibling in Taiwan. The results indicate that participants tend to perceive more parental favoritism than their sibling. Female have more tendency to perceive paternal favoritism than male do. Firstborns and lastborns are more likely to perceive maternal favoritism. Although participants reported low level of feelings and interaction with the focal sibling, they showed more positive parts in the sinling relationships than negative parts. Regression analysis showed that positive sibling relationships can be explained by gender composition and perceived parental favoritism. Sibling relationships of sisters are more positive than brothers and mixed-gender pairs. Positive sibling relationships were higher when participants were favored more than their sibling. On the other hand, negative sibling relationships can be explained by birth order, gender composition, current coresidence, and perceived parental favoritism. Firstborns are more negative than lastborns; sisters are more negative than brothers; participants who live with sibling are more negative. No matter which offspring was mostly favored, negative sibling relationships were lowest when both offsprings were treated equally and increased with more favoritism or disfavoritism perceived. Finally, as for negative sibling relationships, the impact of perceived maternal favoritism is far greater than that of perceived paternal favoritism.



大學生, 手足關係, 知覺父母偏愛, undergraduate students, sibling relationships, perceived parental favoritism, parental differential treatment





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