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Shu-Chen Wu

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Office of Teacher Education and Careers Service


我國於1994 年開放師資埠育,屆主動多元的師資培育管道,又進少子女化的人口結構趨勢,促使師範校院必須轉型。因此,本研究昌在調查轉型的師範大學學生職涯需求及其期待的服務內容、時間以及就業訊息接收意願。研究採用問卷調查法,以就讀國立臺灣師範大學學生為研究對象,依定額抽樣,每~抽取100名學生,共計發放4105份問卷,回收3618 份問卷,合計有效回收率為88.14% 。問卷分析結果顯示學生在自我探索、職涯資訊、職涯準備以及整體職涯需求,皆有中等程度以上的需求。其次,研究發現不同背景變項的學生在前述各項職涯需求表現達顯著差異。另外,就學生對職涯需求的服務內容來看,以「校外實習」的人數最多,其次是「校外見習(參訪) J '第三則是「各式職涯講座」。至於學生期待的職涯服務時間,則以「與相關課程的上課時間結合」為最多,其次是「班會J '第三是「寒暑假時間J '其他依序是「學期間週一至週五的晚上(6 : 00-9 : 00) J 以及「學期間週一至過五的中午(12 : 00-14 : 00) J 。最後,在就業訊息的提供方面,高達57.57% (N=2083)的學生願意提供email給職涯輔導單位,以利收到職涯相關訊息。本研究並依據研究結果提出建議作為後續職涯輔導之參考。
With the introduction of diversified teacher education system in Taiwan in 1994, teacher education was no longer restricted to normal universities, but open to all universities in Taiwan. As a result of the influence of this diversified teacher education system and the drastic declining birth ratein Taiwan, the shifts in the mission and vision of normal wliversities were urgent and inevitable. As part of the reformation project, this s仙dy aimed to investigate college youths' career needs and to explore their anticipated career services, available time slots for the services and the will to receive career information. A questionnaire survey was conducted amongst students at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) . Student sample was obtained by quota sampling. Of the 4105surveys distributed, a total of 3618 usable surveys were returned, providing an overall response rate of 88.14%. The results indicated that subjects reported“ moderate to high career needs, including the needs for self-exploration, career information, career preparation and the total needs. Furthermore, significant differences in the self-exploration, career information, and career preparation factors were observed among demographic variables. Regarding subjects' anticipated career services, the main items were “ practical training and internships" ,“off-campus visits" , and “ diversified career lectures." As to subjects' preferred time slots for the aforementioned career services, included: “ infusing the career services into curriculum" ,“class meeting time" , and “summeror winter vocation" , the other time slots favored by subjects were “weekday evenings (18: 00-21 : 00)" and “ weekday noons (12: 00-14 : 00) " . Lastly, more than half of the subjects were willing to leave their email addresses to receive career-related information. Based on the results of this study, further suggestions with reference to career guidance were provided.



