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Department of Industrial Education, NTNU


農漁民第二專長訓練是政府為充實鄉村地區產業發展能量、促進農業勞動力升級與轉型的重要策略。然而,長久以來,一直缺乏系統性的成效評估及相關影響因素之探討。本研究提出以訓練移轉理論為基礎的研究架構,探討民國92年至94年期間農漁民第二專長訓練的移轉成效,並分別以問卷調查與深入訪談的研究方法來分析參訓者個人特質、參與動機、課程滿意度、社會支持與訓練移轉成效之間的影響關係。研究調查對象是經郵寄問卷普查回收的312份有效問卷,並以SPSS 14.0統計分析軟體進行分析。研究發現,在控制受訪者基本特性(含性別、年齡、教育程度與訓練單位)的情形下,工作動機、需求滿意度與工作支持、轉業支持對工作移轉成效有正向且顯著的影響關係。當農漁民是抱著為提升工作能力、考取專業證照或接受未來新工作挑戰的動機參加第二專長訓練,在訓練與學習活動中又能配合個人與工作需求的訓練投入因素,以及回到工作崗位上工作夥伴能夠給予確實與實質的支持,或是外在環境能夠配合提供相關的機會與支持的情況下,訓練移轉成效在實質工作能力提升與工作時間、收入增加的程度會較佳。另一方面,學習移轉成效的主要影響因素則是學習動機、符合需求的課程以及親友、工作夥伴的精神支持。儘管工作移轉成效不佳,受訪者對農漁民第二專長訓練之學習移轉成效仍有相當大的肯定。
The framers' training for second specialty has been an important strategy to increase the capability of local industrial development and to promote the transformation of agricultural labor force. However, since the training conducted, little systematic research has been held to explore the training effectiveness and any impossible affecting factors. This research was providing a framework of training transfer to for farmers second specialty from 2003 to 2005. For complete the research purposes, researchers designed the structured questionnaire to collect related data. 312 valid questionnaires were resources of statistic analysis. In factor analysis, researchers found farmers attended the second specialty training for different motives: learning, working, and outside stimulus. These motives would lead to different effect of training transfer-learning transfer or transfer to the working environment. In factor analysis of social support, researchers also found trainees will receive tree types of support: working, spiritual, and transferring. The social support had been validated as the key success factors in affecting transfer performance of farmers second specialty training. Taking one step ahead, if researchers controlled the characteristics of trainees and the institutes of in charge, working motive, need satisfaction, and working support were the main factors to affect the extent of training transfer to the working environment. Otherwise, spiritual support would lead to learning transfer. The results of open questionnaires and telephone interviews were coincident with the statistic analysis of research findings.


