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本研究以Web 3.0的精神為基礎,探討Pinterest平臺在美術教學課程之應用。研究方法採行動研究法,以苗栗縣某高中非美術本科學⽣為研究對象,進⾏為期⼀學期的創意表現設計課程教學。此課程內容經專家評鑑後予以修正,透過學⽣學習情形訪談,⾃我評量,評估分析學⽣的學習成效。 研究發現學⽣的學習能藉由Pinterest來拓展學習空間,並利⽤它來激發靈感。緣此,研究者將課程設計內涵及教學成效彙整歸結,回答此應⽤研究的三個中⼼問題。⼀藉由Pinterest實際加入課程實施來觀察學⽣的學習活動。⼆建⽴其課程發展模式依據教育部課程標準制訂,在內容考量其深度廣度,結合⼤學入學術科考試歷屆創意表現試題,教學⽅法採合作學習⽅式,讓學⽣發揮創意以評估其課程實施時師⽣互動與作品美感形式之傳達。三為藉⾏動研究觀察與問卷、訪談,歸納Pinterest在美術教育課程中之應⽤研究之建議,以資後續研究者參酌。
This study aims to be developed based on Web 3.0, to let the non-art classes high school students use Pinterest platform as a media in the creative expression course in Applied Arts curriculum. The method is an action research that Miaoli County high school students experience for the study, for a period of one semester of teaching. This course content after evaluation by experts to be amended through interviews with students learning situation, self-assessment, evaluation and analysis of student learning outcomes. The study found that students learn to use Pinterest to expand the learning space, and use it to stimulate inspiration. Therefore, the researcher summed up the connotation of curriculum design and teaching effectiveness, answering the three central questions of this applied research. One by Pinterest actually joined the course implementation to observe the student's learning activities. Second, the establishment of its curriculum development model based on curriculum standards published by the Ministry of Education, considering the depth and the breadth of the content, combined with university entrance examination of the past creative expression tests, teaching methods adopt a cooperative learning approach to enable students to develop their ideas to assess the interaction between teachers and students and the aesthetic form of their works during the implementation of the course. Third, through the research and observation by questionnaire, interview, the researcher offered suggestions and recommendations of using Pinterest in art education classes for the reference of future researchers.



Web 3.0, 雲端運算, 藝術教育, Pinterest, Web 3.0, Cloud-computing, Art Education, Pinterest

