

摘 要 飢餓素 (ghrelin) 和瘦體素 (leptin) 不僅在能量恆定和食慾的調控上扮演重要的角色,而且和月經週期可能也有關係。目的︰探討女性於濾泡與黃體期間從事單次中等強度運動對血漿飢餓素及瘦體素濃度的影響。方法:受試者為13名具有規律月經週期及正常體重(身體質量指數:20.7±1.5 kg/m2)的大學體育系女生,所有受試者分別需在濾泡前期及黃體中期各進行一次60% VO2max,持續時間45分鐘之中等強度運動,運動前需隔夜禁食,然後於進食統一提供之早餐(353 Kcal;碳水化合物:67.6%、脂肪:23.1 %、蛋白質:9.3 %)30分鐘後進行運動。在濾泡期之運動測量前一天,實施一次控制實驗,實施程序與中等強度運動測量相同,惟並不實際進行運動。安靜空腹、運動期每15分鐘及運動結束後45分鐘的恢復期每15分鐘,以留置針採血檢測飢餓素及瘦體素。結果:黃體期安靜空腹時之瘦體素濃度 (10.63±6.55 ng/ml) 顯著高於濾泡期 (7.19±3.12 ng/ml; p<.05),而且此種差距無論在運動中或運動後皆依然存在。另外,飢餓素濃度雖不受月經週期的影響,但在運動結束後有顯著下降之情形發生,恢復期飢餓素濃度之曲線下面積為36185.12±15428.01 pg/ml45min,比運動期之39932.81±18083.37pg/ml45min減少約10 % (p<.05)。結論:1. 瘦體素不受到單次運動的影響而改變,但會因月經週期而有所不同,因此有關瘦體素的研究應該將月經週期納入考量,以獲得較精確之結果。2.飢餓素不受濾泡或黃體期的影響,但在單次中等強度運動後會有顯著下降的情形發生,因此運動或許有抑制食慾的作用存在。
Abstract Leptin and ghrelin not only play an important role in appetite and energy homeostasis but may relate to menstrual cycle. Purpose: This study was designed to determine the effects of moderate exercise and menstrual cycle phase on plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations. Methods: Thirteen young females with regular menstrual cycle and normal weight (body mass index: 20.7±1.5 kg/m2) were recruited for this study. All subjects had standardized breakfast (353 Kcal;carbohydrate: 67.6%, fat: 23.1 %, protein: 9.3 %) and 30 minutes later, performed two 45-minute cycle ergometer tests at 60% of VO2max after overnight fasting—the first test during the early follicular phase and the second during the middle luteal phase. Moreover, a control trial was conducted before or after the exercise day of the follicular phase at the same time that excluded exercise. Venous blood samples were collected at resting, every 15 minutes during exercise period and every 15 minutes for 45 minutes recovery period. Results: The mean of resting leptin values in the luteal phase were significantly higher (10.63±6.55 ng/ml) than those in the follicular phase (7.19±3.12 ng/ml; p<.05) and were not actually affected by the acute exercise. Resting ghrelin values showed no difference between the follicular phase and the luteal phase, but significantly decreased 10 % during recovery period compared to exercise period (AUC: 36185.12 ±15428.01 vs. 39932.81±18083.37 pg/ml45min; p<.05). Conclusions: 1.The luteal phase differs from follicular phase on leptin values, so further study should control this difference to obtain more accurate results. 2. The fact that plasma ghrelinconcentrations decrease after acute moderate exercise may suggest that exercise has the function to suppress the appetite.



飢餓素, 瘦體素, 濾泡期, 黃體期, 中等強度運動, ghrelin, leptin, follicular phase, luteal phase, moderate exercise

