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本研究的目的旨在探討公立高工技士及技佐的工作滿意度情形,以及不同背景下工作滿意度各層面的差異情形,並根據所研究的資料作成建議,以供有關單位做為決策的參考與依據。 經收集相關文獻及資料整理,將個人的基本背景為自變數,工作滿意度各層面為依變項,以SPSS統計軟體分析次數分配(frequency distribution)、百分比(percentages)、平均數(means)、標準差(standard deviation)、t考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)及雪費事後比較法(Scheffe’ posterior comparisons)。 本研究結論: 一、公立高工技士、技佐在6大工作滿意度層面之中,以人際關係層面的滿意度最高,其次為行政管理層面。以升遷考核層面最低,次低為薪資待遇層面。 二、不同性別的技士、技佐,其工作滿意度各層面有顯著差異,以女性的滿意度高於男性。 三、不同婚姻狀況的技士、技佐,其工作滿意度各層面有顯著差異,以已婚的滿意度高於未婚。 四、不同年齡的技士、技佐,其工作滿意度各層面有顯著差異,以30歲以下的滿意度最高,其次是50歲以上,最低的是31-39歲。 五、不同學歷的技士、技佐,其工作滿意度各層面沒有顯著差異。 六、不同服務年資的技士、技佐,其工作滿意度各層面有顯著差異,以16年以上的滿意度最高,最低的是11-15年。 七、不同任用情形的技士、技佐,其工作滿意度各層面有顯著差異,以其他方式任用的滿意度最高,而最低的是以高考任用的。 八、不同服務地區的技士、技佐,其工作滿意度各層面有顯著差異,以中部的滿意度最高,最低的是北部。
The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and different background of senior and junior technical specialist in public industrial vocational high schools. The conclusions were offered to related administration departments as reference of policy-making. According to some related documents, in this study, personal background of senior and junior technical specialist was “Independent”, and level of different job satisfaction items was “Dependent.” SPSS was the statistical program to analyze “frequency distribution”, ”percentages”, ”means”, ”standard deviation”, “t-test”, and “Scheffe posterior comparisons.” The main conclusions were as the following: 1. Among the six items of job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist in public industrial vocational high schools, the highest one was “interpersonal relationship”. The second highest one was “management of administration”. The lowest one was “salary.” 2. The job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist had difference in sex. Female’s job satisfaction was higher than male’s. 3. The job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist had difference in marriage. The married’s job satisfaction was higher than the unmarried’s. 4. The job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist had difference in age. The age under 30 was the highest. The age over 50 was the second highest. The age between 31 and 39 was the lowest. 5. The job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist had no significant difference in educational background. 6. The job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist had difference in tenure. The tenure of over-16-year was the highest. The tenure between 11 and 15 was the lowest. 7. The job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist had difference in the ways of employing. The way of Nation’s civil higher examination was lower than any other way. 8. The job satisfaction of senior and junior technical specialist had difference in locations of schools. The highest was in the central Taiwan. The lowest was in the northern Taiwan.



工作滿意, 行政管理, 薪資待遇, 升遷考核, 人際溝通, 技士, 技佐, job satisfaction, management of administration, salary, promotion, interpersonal relationship, senior and junior technical, specialist in public industrial vocational high schools





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