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受金融海嘯衝擊,企業為度過危機並保留營運實力,紛以精簡人事因應,促使利用職務調動協調人力缺口的情況日趨常態;是以,員工必須不斷地面對新挑戰,對於身處瞬息萬變的證券業從業人員而言,更需具備適應變化的能耐。過往研究指出,工作適性有助於維持員工工作的穩定性;員工知覺組織資源分配過程或結果的公平與否,將影響其對工作的態度;同儕間的友誼也會對工作行為產生影響。 本研究旨在探討工作適性、組織正義與職場友誼對於職務調動人員適應性績效之影響情況,並以主管與部屬交換關係為調節變項,分析主管與部屬交換關係分別在工作適性與適應性績效之間、在組織正義與適應性績效之間以及在職場友誼與適應性績效之間是否具有調節效果。本研究之調查對象為國內某標竿證券公司近三年有職務調動的後勤人員,問卷於2011年12月採用抽樣及委託各分公司專員E-mail寄送網路電子問卷,共計回收366份有效樣本,問卷有效率達86.53%。 研究發現:(1)工作適性對適應性績效有正向影響,(2)組織正義對適應性績效有正向影響,(3)職場友誼對適應性績效有正向影響,(4)主管與部屬交換關係對工作適性與適應性績效未具調節效果,(5)主管與部屬交換關係對組織正義與適應性績效具有正向調節效果,(6)主管與部屬交換關係對職場友誼與適應性績效具有正向調節效果。本研究結果冀望能提供企業多元運用人力之參考,讓既有人才在多變的局勢中能適時並快速地成為組織持續運作的動能,以期人盡其才,才盡其用,提升組織與個體的經濟價值,化危機為轉機。
Under the impact of the financial tsunami, enterprises have begun to streamline their personnel in order to pass the crisis and retain their operational strength. Consequently, it has become a common situation whereby enterprises mobilize employees to cover their manpower gap. Therefore, it also causes employees to constantly face new challenges, especially for the securities practitioners who need to have the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing environment. Previous studies have indicated that work appropriateness can help maintain the working stability of the employees; the staff perceives whether the process or result of allocation is fair or not in an organization can affect their attitude towards work; the friendship among peers also have an impact on work behavior. This study aims to investigate how the work appropriateness, organization justice and workplace friendship influence the adaptive performance of personnel mobilization. Meanwhile, the leader-member exchange relationship is used as the moderator variable to analyze its effects on the relationship between job congruence and adaptive performance, between organizational justice and adaptive performance, and between workplace friendship and adaptive performance. The studies focused on a domestic leading securities firm which had its personnel mobilization during the last three years. This survey was done by random sampling approach on December 2011. The questionnaires were collected by E-mail and subject to statistical analysis. The total valid samples totalled 366 questionnaires, generating a response rate of 86.53 percent. The results showed that: (1) job congruence has a positive impact on adaptive performance; (2) organizational justice has a positive impact on adaptive performance; (3) workplace friendship has a positive impact on adaptive performance; (4) the competent member exchange relationships has no moderating effects on the interaction between job congruence influencing and adaptive performance; (5) the competent member exchange relationship has positive moderating effects on the interaction between organizational justice and adaptive performance; (6) the competent member exchange relationship has positive moderating effects on the interaction between workplace friendship and adaptive performance. Through this investigation, we look forward to providing enterprises with a reference of how to use their employees flexibly, which might allow employees’ talent to be developed and developinto kinetic energy in their organization in this changing situation. It is also expected that people's talent can be used in the effectively and develop into its finest, as well as the economic value of organization and individual can be promoted and let the crisis develop into a turning point.



職務調動, 工作適性, 組織正義, 職場友誼, 適應性績效, 主管與部屬交換關係, Job transfer, Job congruence, Organizational justice, Workplace friendship, Adaptive performance, Leader-member exchange relationship





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