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本研究旨在了解青少年學習投入對心理幸福感之影響,並檢驗目的感對青少年學習投入和心理幸福感關係的中介效果。學習投入包含行為投入、情緒投入、認知投入與主體投入四個構念;心理幸福感包含自我接納、個人成長、生活目標、正向關係,以及自主與環境掌控五個構念;目的感包含目的覺察、目的召喚與利他承諾三個構念。本研究採便利取樣方式,研究對象來自臺灣公私立國民中學一年級至三年級與高中職高一至高三學生,共804人。研究工具包括「學習投入量表」、「目的感量表」和「心理幸福感量表」。所得的資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析,以及SPSS 的外掛軟體PROCESS進行中介統計考驗。主要研究結果整理如下:(一)國中學生的學習投入高於高中職學生。(二)女學生的行為投入顯著高於男學生。(三)國中學生的目的感高於高中職學生。(四)男學生的目的覺察顯著高於女學生,但是女學生的利他承諾顯著高於男學生。(五)國中學生的心理幸福感高於高中職學生。(六)男學生的自我接納與自主環境掌控顯著高於女學生,而女學生的生活目標顯著高於男學生。(七)青少年的學習投入、目的感與心理幸福感皆呈現顯著正相關。(八)青少年的學習投入可以正向預測心理幸福感。(九)青少年的目的感對學習投入與心理幸福感的關係具有部分中介效果。本研究根據以上的結果進行討論,提出學術研究和教學與輔導工作等建議,做為實務工作及未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between learning engagement, sense of purpose, and psychological well-being among adolescents. Different demographic variables were also collected to explore their differences between samples. Study samples were collected from Taiwanese students in seventh to twelveth grade. A total of 804 participants had been collected. All of them completed the Learning Engagement Scale, Sense of Purpose Scale, and Psychological Well-being Scale. The data was analyzed via descriptive statics, Independent-Sample t test, Pearson correlation, multiple regression, and mediation analysis. The results are as follow:1. Learning engagement varied significantly in age. The level of learning engagement was higher in 7th to 9th grade students than 10th to 12th grade students.2. The level of behavioral engagement was significantly higher in female students.3. Sense of purpose varied significantly in age. The level of sense of purpose was higher in 7th to 9th grade students than 10th to 12th grade students.4. The level of awareness of purpose was significantly higher in male students; while the level of altruistic commit was significantly higher in female students.5. Psychological well-being varied significantly in age. The level of psychological well-being was higher in 7th to 9th grade students than 10th to 12th grade students.6. The levels of self-acceptance and autonomy and environmental mastery were significantly higher in male students; while the level of purpose in life was significantly higher in female students.7. There were significant positive relationships between learning engagement, sense of purpose, and psychological well-being.8. Learning engagement positively predicted psychological well-being, learning engagement positively predicted sense of purpose, and sense of purpose positively predicted psychological well-being. As a result, sense of purpose partially mediated learning engagement and psychological well-being.9. Sense of purpose have mediation effect between learning engagement and psychological well-being.Based on the result, discussions and suggestions were provided to practitioners, schools and further researchers in this area.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between learning engagement, sense of purpose, and psychological well-being among adolescents. Different demographic variables were also collected to explore their differences between samples. Study samples were collected from Taiwanese students in seventh to twelveth grade. A total of 804 participants had been collected. All of them completed the Learning Engagement Scale, Sense of Purpose Scale, and Psychological Well-being Scale. The data was analyzed via descriptive statics, Independent-Sample t test, Pearson correlation, multiple regression, and mediation analysis. The results are as follow:1. Learning engagement varied significantly in age. The level of learning engagement was higher in 7th to 9th grade students than 10th to 12th grade students.2. The level of behavioral engagement was significantly higher in female students.3. Sense of purpose varied significantly in age. The level of sense of purpose was higher in 7th to 9th grade students than 10th to 12th grade students.4. The level of awareness of purpose was significantly higher in male students; while the level of altruistic commit was significantly higher in female students.5. Psychological well-being varied significantly in age. The level of psychological well-being was higher in 7th to 9th grade students than 10th to 12th grade students.6. The levels of self-acceptance and autonomy and environmental mastery were significantly higher in male students; while the level of purpose in life was significantly higher in female students.7. There were significant positive relationships between learning engagement, sense of purpose, and psychological well-being.8. Learning engagement positively predicted psychological well-being, learning engagement positively predicted sense of purpose, and sense of purpose positively predicted psychological well-being. As a result, sense of purpose partially mediated learning engagement and psychological well-being.9. Sense of purpose have mediation effect between learning engagement and psychological well-being.Based on the result, discussions and suggestions were provided to practitioners, schools and further researchers in this area.
青少年, 學習投入, 心理幸福感, 目的感, adolescents, learning engagement, psychological well-being, sense of purpose