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本研究旨在探討彈性分組應用於國中彈性學習課程的課程設計與實施歷程,採用行動研究法,除研究者之外,研究對象為32位七年級導師班的學生,實施期程為期三個月,實施約15堂課的時間。 本研究透過結合差異化教學的彈性分組方式進行彈性學習課程的規劃與實施,並透過學生的學習單、心得省思、札記、教學錄影、問卷、研究者的教學省思與訪談紀錄等文件,進行三級編碼的歸納與統整,分析所蒐集到的資料,本研究的研究結果如下: 壹、教師在設計與實施彈性分組教學課程時,應於擬定學習目標前評估學生的學習經驗、考慮學生的特質挑選學習材料、安排師生共同參與的學習活動、營造正向支持的學習環境,及實施多元化學習評量,並依循彈性分組及差異化教學的原則。 貳、實施彈性分組可以提升學生的動機與態度。藉由不斷變換的分組方式,可以讓學生學習和不同的組員溝通合作,並促進想法的交流,從中也能培養其媒體識讀能力,和同理他人、溝通、人際互動與合作的能力。 參、實施彈性分組教學的困境與因應之道,可以從課程設計與實施過程中加以檢視,尤其是事先評估學生的學習背景與經驗,審慎規畫課程方案,更可以透過共備增進課程的完整性。 本研究根據上述研究結果,對教師及未來研究者提出相關建議。
The purpose of this research is to study the application of flexible grouping to junior high school alternative curriculum design and implementation using the Action Research Method. The research subjects include the homeroom teacher, who is the researcher, and her 32 seventh-grade students. The research lasted 3 months and 15 class-periods. This research uses flexible grouping combined with Differentiated Instruction in planning and implementing alternative curriculum. The data was collected through students’ handouts, feedback, reflections, journals, video lectures, questionnaires, the researcher’s teaching evaluations, and interview records or documents, etc. Utilizing the Grounded Theory method, the assembled data was integrated with inductive reasoning and systematically analyzed. The results of this research are as follows: 1. When designing and executing flexible grouping and alternative curriculum, teachers should first evaluate students' learning experiences and individual characteristics before setting learning goals and selecting study materials. The course plan should include activities for both teachers and students to participate together, have a positive and supportive learning environment, administer a diversified learning assessment, and follow the principles of flexible grouping and Differentiated Instruction. 2. The application of flexible grouping can improve students’ motivation and attitude. By periodically regrouping, students learn to communicate and work with different group members, which cultivates media literacy skills, empathic abilities, interpersonal interactions, and cooperation readiness. 3. The difficulties of and the solutions to the implementation of flexible grouping can be examined from the curriculum design and execution. Lastly, the researcher has reflected upon the study and gained personal growth, including a view towards the enhanced empowerment of teachers as well as the changing and practicing of teaching beliefs. Recommendations to teachers and future researchers are derived according to the above-mentioned research results.



彈性分組, 彈性學習課程, 差異化教學, 媒體識讀能力, flexible grouping, alternative curriculum, differentiated instruction, media literacy





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