冒險教育效益機轉應用於大學生之自我認同發展之研究-以東海大學Senior Alpha Leaders為例
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冒險教育可以帶來的正面效益普遍受到肯定。然而,冒險教育效益機轉理論卻面臨理論多、實證少的挑戰。我國冒險教育推廣二十餘年,冒險教育效益機轉研究相當有限,冒險教育應用於大學高等教育的案例,更是鳳毛麟角。大學對青年而言,是一個學習成為成年人的重要階段,應該更積極地主動投入學習,與他人合作學習,學習獨立思考、思辨,學習解決問題的能力等複雜的能力。根據國外的研究,大學生的自我認同狀態與幸福感有關,甚至影響其學業表現。然而,國內針對大學生自我認同發展相關的討論研究,大多將學生的自我認同設定為自變項,進而了解對幸福感、自信心、生涯探索等依變項之間的相關性。至於,冒險教育應用於大學生自我認同發展的相關實證研究更是少見。本研究以質性研究,藉由東海大學Senior Alpha Leaders大學生視域與自我陳述,探究冒險教育應用於大學生自我認同發展之效益機轉建構歷程,及其效益機轉影響因素。
研究成果發現,東海大學Senior Alpha Leaders冒險教育課程效益機轉歷程,包含:
一、 學員課前狀態,影響學員參與課程的動機。
二、 引導員的作為營造了放心的環境,促進學員自我反思與學習。包含:引導反思、營造放心的環境、與學員的關係、成為學員的典範、給予刺激、認真的態度、反饋以及適當的自我揭露等。
三、 失衡適應的活動體驗,促進學習引發學員自我反思。
四、 互信與支持的共同學習,促進學習引發學員自我反思。
五、 課程教材的教與學,促進學員自我反思與學習。
六、 自我反思,引發學生應用所學,促進發展自我認同。
The effectiveness of adventure education (AE) is widely recognized. Theories about its mechanism for AE effects abound, but many of them lack sufficient empirical support. AE has been in Taiwan for more than 20 years, but researches on its mechanism for AE effects are few and case studies on its effects on higher education are even fewer. University is a key stage for adolescents to learn to become adults by active learning, independent thinking and problem solving. Researches show that college students’ sense of happiness and academic performance are highly related to their identity formation. But local researchers rarely focus on identity formation. It is often treated as an independent variable and the focus is more on its effects on confidence, sense of happiness or career exploration. Evidence-based research on AE effects on college students’ identity formation is nearly nonexistent. This paper studied the Alpha Leaders Program in Tunghai University, Taiwan. This study used the qualitative research approach to analyze the participants’ accounts and interpretations of the program to see why and how AE is helpful to their identity formation. This study found that the mechanism for Senior Alpha Leaders AE effects include: 1. Their learning motivation is affected by their pre-class readiness. 2. Facilitators create the safe and open environment which produce the self-reflection and learning effectiveness with essential behaviors e.g. facilitation, positive facilitator-student relationship, model the way, providing challenges, sincerely manners, direct feedback and appropriate self-disclosure. 3. Adaption to dissonance during activity experiences produce self-reflection and learning effectiveness. 4. The experience of mutual learning with trust and support produce self-reflection and learning effectiveness. 5. Learning materials in AE enhance the self-reflection and learning effectiveness. 6. Self-reflection produce the learning transfer which enhance the identity formation. In terms of identity formation, researcher found that AE can help college students to authenticate, discover and explore their identity. Their learning motivation is affected by their pre-class readiness. And AE, by providing learning materials and experience of mutual learning and self-reflection, is useful for students’ identity formation. Participants gain access through the program to the necessary environment, stimulations and interpersonal interaction to know themselves deeper and better. The paper also identified some factors influencing AE’s impacts to student’s identity formation. Direct factors include activity experience, learning materials, mutual learning, self-reflection, and learning transfer of what is learned at AE. Indirect ones include autonomy of choice, adaption to dissonance, creative teaching, facilitators’ essential behaviors, safe and open environment, mutual trust and support, and feedback. In terms of mechanism for AE effects, this study found new factors in this study e.g. autonomy of choice; facilitator’s essential behaviors; experience of mutual learning with mutual trust, support and feedback; creative teaching; learning materials. In addition, this study found that the mechanism for AE effects provide a similar and enhancing process to individual identity formation. And AE, by providing self-reflection and autonomy of choice, help students becoming a self-identity individual with wholeness.
The effectiveness of adventure education (AE) is widely recognized. Theories about its mechanism for AE effects abound, but many of them lack sufficient empirical support. AE has been in Taiwan for more than 20 years, but researches on its mechanism for AE effects are few and case studies on its effects on higher education are even fewer. University is a key stage for adolescents to learn to become adults by active learning, independent thinking and problem solving. Researches show that college students’ sense of happiness and academic performance are highly related to their identity formation. But local researchers rarely focus on identity formation. It is often treated as an independent variable and the focus is more on its effects on confidence, sense of happiness or career exploration. Evidence-based research on AE effects on college students’ identity formation is nearly nonexistent. This paper studied the Alpha Leaders Program in Tunghai University, Taiwan. This study used the qualitative research approach to analyze the participants’ accounts and interpretations of the program to see why and how AE is helpful to their identity formation. This study found that the mechanism for Senior Alpha Leaders AE effects include: 1. Their learning motivation is affected by their pre-class readiness. 2. Facilitators create the safe and open environment which produce the self-reflection and learning effectiveness with essential behaviors e.g. facilitation, positive facilitator-student relationship, model the way, providing challenges, sincerely manners, direct feedback and appropriate self-disclosure. 3. Adaption to dissonance during activity experiences produce self-reflection and learning effectiveness. 4. The experience of mutual learning with trust and support produce self-reflection and learning effectiveness. 5. Learning materials in AE enhance the self-reflection and learning effectiveness. 6. Self-reflection produce the learning transfer which enhance the identity formation. In terms of identity formation, researcher found that AE can help college students to authenticate, discover and explore their identity. Their learning motivation is affected by their pre-class readiness. And AE, by providing learning materials and experience of mutual learning and self-reflection, is useful for students’ identity formation. Participants gain access through the program to the necessary environment, stimulations and interpersonal interaction to know themselves deeper and better. The paper also identified some factors influencing AE’s impacts to student’s identity formation. Direct factors include activity experience, learning materials, mutual learning, self-reflection, and learning transfer of what is learned at AE. Indirect ones include autonomy of choice, adaption to dissonance, creative teaching, facilitators’ essential behaviors, safe and open environment, mutual trust and support, and feedback. In terms of mechanism for AE effects, this study found new factors in this study e.g. autonomy of choice; facilitator’s essential behaviors; experience of mutual learning with mutual trust, support and feedback; creative teaching; learning materials. In addition, this study found that the mechanism for AE effects provide a similar and enhancing process to individual identity formation. And AE, by providing self-reflection and autonomy of choice, help students becoming a self-identity individual with wholeness.
冒險教育效益機轉, 大學生自我認同發展, Senior Alpha Leaders, 質性研究, Mechanism for Adventure Education Effects, Identity Formation, Senior Alpha Leaders, Qualitative Research