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近年來平板電腦及智慧型手機等行動裝置相當盛行,而蘋果公司在iPad產品上推出了一套可以閱讀電子書的軟體:iBooks,透過iPad的iBooks可以閱讀電子書籍,降低製作一本實體書籍所需的材料花費,而且iBooks個人書庫可以儲存多本電子書籍。在iPad上內建的語音報讀軟體Voiceover,也適用於iBooks,讓視障人士可以透過聽覺閱讀iBooks書櫃中所有喜愛的書籍。W3C(World Wide web Consortium)組織在XML(eXtensible Markup Language)應用技術領域中,制定了MathML (Mathematical Markup Language)和SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics),數學符號、公式和幾何圖形可以透過此套標準呈現出來。
In recent years, tablet Personal Computers, smart phones and other mobile devices are quite popular. Apple Inc. launch a series of software that can read e-books: iBooks. We can read e-books through iBooks on iPad. It is reducing the materials which is needed to spend for a physical book. iBooks bookshelf can be stored many e-books. With an iPad we just like taking a large bookcase filled with books, and we don’t need to spend a lot of effort. You can reorder your books on your bookshelf or browse them in a list sorted by title, author, or category. VoiceOver is a screen reader built into Apple Inc.'s OS X and iPad operating systems. Voiceover also be used for e-book reading software, iBooks. The feature is designed to increase accessibility for blind and low-vision users. MathML is the XML standard for encoding mathematics. MathML has grown to become a general format for the exchange and communication of mathematics. SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics applications and images. iBooks support MathML code and SVG code, and it can be used to make mathematical textbooks. This study research on the advantages and disadvantages of MathML applied on mathematical talking e-books.
In recent years, tablet Personal Computers, smart phones and other mobile devices are quite popular. Apple Inc. launch a series of software that can read e-books: iBooks. We can read e-books through iBooks on iPad. It is reducing the materials which is needed to spend for a physical book. iBooks bookshelf can be stored many e-books. With an iPad we just like taking a large bookcase filled with books, and we don’t need to spend a lot of effort. You can reorder your books on your bookshelf or browse them in a list sorted by title, author, or category. VoiceOver is a screen reader built into Apple Inc.'s OS X and iPad operating systems. Voiceover also be used for e-book reading software, iBooks. The feature is designed to increase accessibility for blind and low-vision users. MathML is the XML standard for encoding mathematics. MathML has grown to become a general format for the exchange and communication of mathematics. SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics applications and images. iBooks support MathML code and SVG code, and it can be used to make mathematical textbooks. This study research on the advantages and disadvantages of MathML applied on mathematical talking e-books.
iBooks, Voiceover, MathML, SVG, iBooks, Voiceover, MathML, SVG