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Chin-Pin Chen, Tzu-Yin Kuo, Chia-Wen Chen, Jen-Chia Chang
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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
National Taiwan Normal University Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
本研究旨在探討課業壓力和壓力因應策略的關係,並確定認知評估在課業壓力管理模式的中介效果。為達研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法進行實證研究,並使用自編之課業壓力、認知評估與因應策略等量表進行研究,研究對象係以九十九學年度高職工業類機械科日間部一至三年級學生,共發放問卷1,850 份,回收1,719 份,刪除無效問卷69 份,取得1,650 份有效問卷,問卷回收率為92.8%。資料回收後,採結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model,SEM)探討變項之間的關係。研究結果證實課業壓力與認知評估、認知評估與因應策略皆有直接效果影響,而課業壓力會透過認知評估對因應策略有部分中介效果。
The purpose e of this study was to explore the cognitive appraisal towards a model of academic stress management among mechanical students in vocational high schools . Through literature review and pre-test, a questionnaire was developed with sufficient reliability and validity. Out of 1, 850 issued questionnaires ,a total of 1,6 50 were returned valid , with a return rate of 92 .8%. The analyses used were AMOS. The findings were (1) Academic stress and cognitive appraisal towards coping strategies as expressed by students are significantly different; (2) Academic stress towards cognitive appraisal and cognitive appraisal towards coping strategiesas expressed by students are significantly different; (3) The effects of academic stress are mediated by cognitive appraisal.
The purpose e of this study was to explore the cognitive appraisal towards a model of academic stress management among mechanical students in vocational high schools . Through literature review and pre-test, a questionnaire was developed with sufficient reliability and validity. Out of 1, 850 issued questionnaires ,a total of 1,6 50 were returned valid , with a return rate of 92 .8%. The analyses used were AMOS. The findings were (1) Academic stress and cognitive appraisal towards coping strategies as expressed by students are significantly different; (2) Academic stress towards cognitive appraisal and cognitive appraisal towards coping strategiesas expressed by students are significantly different; (3) The effects of academic stress are mediated by cognitive appraisal.