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Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
Office of Teacher Education and Career Service
舉凡教育改革,就算理念再高也需實務配合,方能得成功於一二。而成功的程度如何,有賴於教師的課程轉化。本文提出三個問題,希冀對轉化實務有些提點作用。首先,教師是否認同以核心素養為導向的課程與教學,畢竟,心之所向,身之所往,唯有從心認同才能堅守始終,只是官方是否創造了足以令教師發展認同的教學環境?其次,教師本身是否具備核心素養?蕭伯納說:「能者為,不能者教」;Shulman 說「能者為,識者教」,本文卻以為:能者教。第三,教師的教學推理與行動是否確實以核心素養為導向?能是教的必要條件,卻非充分條件,本文進而提出:能且識者教。教師有識為底,並以核心素養為目的進行推理,而後付諸行動,才能稱得上以核心素養為導向的課程發展與教學設計。
The key to successful educational reforms lies in teachers’ practice of curriculum transformation. This article proposes three related questions regarding with perceived curriculum and operational curriculum. Hopefully some implications might be drawn by asking the right questions. The questions are as follows: do teachers identify with competence-based curriculum and teaching? Are teachers equipped with thekey-competences they want students to develop? Are the pedagogical reasoning and actions on the part of teachers are oriented toward students’ key-competence development?
The key to successful educational reforms lies in teachers’ practice of curriculum transformation. This article proposes three related questions regarding with perceived curriculum and operational curriculum. Hopefully some implications might be drawn by asking the right questions. The questions are as follows: do teachers identify with competence-based curriculum and teaching? Are teachers equipped with thekey-competences they want students to develop? Are the pedagogical reasoning and actions on the part of teachers are oriented toward students’ key-competence development?