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本研究個案鄭永成曾是世界排名第四的男子雙打選手,由印尼來到臺灣擔任選手後,全心投入教練工作,訓練成效斐然,並使研究者成為國手。本研究目的在探討此位跨國羽球教練生涯轉換與運動知識螺旋的內涵。從研究者與被研究者在師徒與共事的基隆高中羽球隊經營為出發,回溯個案各階段的生涯轉換,最終聚焦於他執教的體能、技術與心理等三層面之運動知識螺旋整理。研究學理以Nonaka 和 Takeuchi(1997)的知識螺旋理論(Knowledge Spiral),呈現其羽球場上內隱知識(Tacit Knowledge)與外顯知識(Explicit Knowledge),做共同化(Socialization)、外化(Externalization)、結合(Combination)、內化(Internalization)四種力量螺旋性的運作分析。研究方法為個案、紮根等研究方法,藉由文獻分析、十七位相關人士半結構式深度訪談、田野觀察等蒐集個案所需資料後,進行歸納整理。研究發現:一、基隆高中近十二年能成為培育羽壇甲組選手與國手搖籃的過程,研究個案甚為關鍵。二、研究個案生涯轉換受印尼俱樂部與國家隊的完整訓練,成為跨國運動員來臺,受我方政策委屈而轉為教練,並大放異彩。三、個案羽球執教的體能、技術、心態與知識螺旋相契合,而展現獨特的訓練風格。
Zheng Yong Cheng in this case study was once the world's top four men double badminton player. He moved to Taiwan from Indonesia and fully devoted himself as a sports coach and achieved an excellent performance. He also trained the researcher as a national badminton team representative. This research aims at delving into the career transition and knowledge spiral of this cross-country sports coach. This research begins with the management of National Keelung Senior High School Badminton Team where the researcher and his teacher Zheng have worked together for several years. Then, this research thoroughly examines every career transition of Zheng and finally focuses on the knowledge spiral of his physical fitness, skills and psychological condition. The research theory is based on Nonaka and Takeuchi’s Knowledge Spiral (1997). This research displays the tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge in the badminton court and analyzes the operation of four major elements of spiral knowledge: socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization. The research applies the method of case study and ground theory, and inducts and concludes by literary analysis, semi-structured in-depth interview with 17 individual concerned, and the collection of necessary data from field observation. This research has found the following facts. First of all, Zheng has played a key role in the process of cultivating excellent badminton players and national team representatives in National Keelung Senior High School over the past twenty year. Second, Zheng has made a significant career transition: he received completed training programs offered by the Indonesia Badminton Club and National Team and then became a cross-country athlete in Taiwan where he has been forced to become a sports coach according to the government policy but he has still yielded brilliant results. Third, Zheng’s strength and conditioning, skills and psychological conditions fit in with the knowledge spiral theory and has displayed his unique training style.



知識螺旋理論, 生涯轉換, 運動教練, Knowledge spiral theory, career transition, sports coach





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