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本研究主要以牧場生態襲產的概念,農業地理、時間地理學等理論基礎,以及景觀視覺分析的方法,來探討陽明山國家公園內百年耕牛寄養牧場的發展,以及近年來因為畜牧與休閒活動結合成為景觀牧場的變遷歷程。嘗試透過不同時期的時空背景與社會需求,了解牧場的主要功能、價值與維繫條件,並對牧場景觀資源的現況做調查,以提出其延續於國家公園內之可行性分析。 台灣傳統農業社會中,水牛是農家主要的獸力,家家戶戶都養牛。台北陽明山地區早在1934年以前已經發展出私人耕牛牧場,有專業的牧牛人及相關的寄養辦法與牧場的設備,照顧北部地區農家寄養農閒時的耕牛。1934年日本人將此牧場改為州立的「大嶺牧場」,成為臺灣公立暨公辦民營耕牛寄養牧場制度之濫觴,維持至今。 「大嶺牧場」極盛時期共有三大牧場,放牧面積廣達1,000公頃,牛隻約1,700頭,為農家在農閒時飼養水牛,使之更健壯。然而從1960年代開始,台灣推動農業機械化,水牛在農村的地位,漸被鐵牛(耕耘機等power tiller)取代,1985年陽明山國家公園成立,以擎天崗為主要範圍的陽明山牧場被保留,牛隻成為維持草原植被及景觀的主角,耕牛牧場轉型為景觀牧場,是陽明山各景點中遊客到訪數第二高的景點,僅次於陽明公園。1998年畜牧法通過後,依規定此牧區受限只能寄養39頭以下,其功能迫於現實以飼養肉牛為主,,僅少數是農家送來養老的耕牛。 2002年8月擎天崗草原上發生水牛撞傷遊客的意外事件後,牧場存廢問題在遊客正面期望下,主管單位的台北市農會及陽明山國家公園均面臨兩難的局面。本研究透過驗證「擎天崗景觀牧場」已具牧場生態襲產之價值,並提出「水牛生態博物館」的構想以期永續其發展。
Based on theories of ecological heritage, agricultural geography, and time geography, and applying landscape visual analysis, this study purports to investigate the transformation of a cattle grazing farm into pasture landscape during the past 100 years in Yangmingshan National Park. It intends to identify the general backgrounds, social needs, and economics of the farm in terms of the farm’s main functions, owner’s values, and maintenance factors, etc. for different time period. It also analyzes the current resources for and practicality of maintaining the herd of buffalos in the National Park for landscape purpose. In traditional society of Taiwan Water buffalo was the main livestock bred by all rural households. Before 1934, however, cattle consigning farms managed by professional herdsmen with special equipments had appeared in Yangmingshan area. Their task was to take care of the water buffalos for households in northern Taiwan during the slack period of the year. In 1934 the ruling Japanese government established “Talingka Cattle Farm” in this area as the first public owned but private operated business. The model has survived to this day. At its peak “Talingka Cattle Farm” was comprised of three sub-farms to handle 1,700 buffalos with pasture area totaling 1,000 hectors. Since 1960s, as results of declined agriculture industry and mechanization of farming, cattle rearing in Taiwan was a practice of the past. Yangmingshan National Park was established in 1985, and the cattle farm near Chingteingang in the Park has been kept. Buffalos and grass land in the farm have become the most frequented tour spot in Yangmingshan second only to Yangmin Park. After the pass of Pasturage Law in 1998, this area has been restricted to raising no more than 39 water buffalos, only a few of which now come from farm households as retired cattle. After the 2002 incident of tourist injury by a buffalo at Chingteingang, whether to keep the farm functioning has become a dilemma for the Taipei Farmers’ Association and Yangmingshan National Park. Henceforth, this study, after identifying “Chingteingang Landscape Cattle Farm” as a suitable ecological heritage of pasture, proposes the idea of establishing the “Water Buffalos Eco-Museum” to appeal for a sustainable ecological development of this pasturage.



耕牛寄養牧場, 陽明山國家公園, 擎天崗景觀牧場, 農業地理學, 時間地理學, 水牛生態博物館, 牧場生態襲產, cattle consigning farm, Yangmingshan National Park, Chingteingang landscape Cattle Farm, Agricultural Geography, Time Geography, Water Buffalo Eco-Museum, an ecological heritage of





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