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本研究的目的主要是瞭解青少女體型不滿意、社會體型焦慮與飲食異常傾向之現況,並探討背景、體型不滿意、社會體型焦慮與青少女飲食異常傾向的關係。研究母群體為九十一學年度第二學期就讀台中縣明道中學之全部女學生,採分層集束抽樣,共得有效樣本608人。 重要結果歸納如下: 一、有13.65﹪青少女在EAT-26得分大於或等於20分,包括9.6﹪國中女生以及17.65﹪高中女生,屬於飲食異常高風險群。 二、不同年級、體型、參與校隊或運動項目情形之青少女,其飲食異常傾向、體型不滿意、社會體型焦慮有顯著差異。 三、青少女之身體形象偏向負面評價,高達91.28﹪青少女對自己的體型不滿意,僅有8.72﹪青少女期望體型維持現況;只有17.60﹪青少女的體型屬於過重或肥胖,卻有82.40﹪青少女期望能變得比自己認為的現有體型瘦。 四、青少女之社會體型焦慮顯著高於其他年齡層女性。 五、青少女之飲食異常傾向與體型不滿意、社會體型焦慮有顯著相關。 六、體型不滿意、社會體型焦慮、體型、校隊與運動項目參與情形共可解釋青少女飲食異常傾向總變異量34.69﹪,以體型不滿意解釋力最高,社會體型焦慮次之。 七、體型不滿意、社會體型焦慮、體型、校隊與運動項目參與情形均能顯著預測青少女是否成為飲食異常高風險群。 最後,本論文根據研究所得的結果進行討論並提出建議。
The purpose of the study was to investigate body dissatisfaction, social physique anxiety, and disordered eating among high school adolescent girls. In addition, the relationship between body dissatisfaction, social physique anxiety, and disordered eating was also examined. Through stratified random sampling, the study group was composed of female students from 30 classes in Ming-Dao high school in Taichung county. 608 effective questionnaires were counted in this study. The essential results were discovered as follows: 1.According to the EAT-26 scores, 13.65﹪of the adolescent girls have the risk of eating disorder, including 9.60﹪junior high school female students and 17.65﹪high school female students. 2.The degree of disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and social physique anxiety vary by grade, body figure, and participate in exercise related to body figure among adolescent girls. 3.Body image among adolescent girls were toward distorted, only 17.60﹪did show some objective overweight, and 82.4﹪adolescent girls chose ideal figure outlines that were smaller than their actual figures. 4.adolescent girls had the highest degree of social physique anxiety compared to other females. 5.There is a positive correlation between body dissatisfaction, social physique anxiety and disordered eating among adolescent girls. 6.Four variables including body dissatisfaction, social physique anxiety, body figure, and participate in exercise related to body figure can generate a combined predictable variance of 34.69﹪for disordered eating among adolescent girls. Among the four variables, body dissatisfaction is the best indicator, and the secondary indicator is social physique anxiety. 7.Body dissatisfaction, social physique anxiety, body figure, and participate in exercise related to body figure are risk factors of eating disorder among adolescent girls. In conclusion, we will arrive at some suggestions based on the results and discussions of this research.



飲食異常, 飲食異常傾向, 體型不滿意, 社會體型焦慮, 身體形象





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