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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
清末民初我國教育上變動之劇是眾所周知的,學制上先後採取了日、美的形式,課程內容也加入近代西方的新知。但由於變更過速,其成效不易彰顯,且徒有形式的變易而欠缺實質的精神。教育屬整體文化的一部份,故文化變遷之際應顧及社會整體狀況的把握。接受西方思想與措施,原本不是壞事,然應與本國情況結合才是。而且我們對革新的事項研究愈徹底,對自己現況瞭解愈多,改革的成功才易獲致。近年來國內熱烈推行「行為目標」、「能力本位教育」,今日行為目標的使用已相當普及,可以說得到了某種程度的成功 。但仔細查考早期文獻,大多論述行為目標的優點,而且欠缺對本國實況的研究。所以造成了一個現象,國外仍多有爭以的主張 ─ 使用行為目標 ─ 在國內已定於一尊的被肯定且大量採用。基於此,本研究企圖經由理論分析法及歷史法,對行為目標作一周全的剖析,以利本國人士之參考,更進一歩明瞭此主張之教育意義。故本研究之目的有:1. 分析行為目標的發展及其影響。2. 探究行為目標在我國使用的概況。3. 批判行為目標使用的優缺點。4. 提出使用行為目標的注意事項。5. 指出行為目標在教育上的意義。
The purpose of this research is to analyze the background, theories, and influence of behavioral objectives. The method used in this thesis are theoretical analysis and historical approach. Behavioral objectives was a result of curriculum objective's movement. American education was influenced by the“Scientific approach”and“Social efficiency”, many theorists want to make objectives specific. Tyler was the first man to claim the necessity of the behavioral objectives. But it was not used until 60's. After the second world war, there are many new bends in American education, such as job analysis, individual teaching, teaching machine, program instruction, new curriculum, all of these has strong impact upon behavioral objectives. Although there many criticals against the behavioral objectives, it is still used in the instruction. On the other hand, it has been changed, in order to correspond with the real condition of instruction. Our country has been used behavioral objectives since ten years ago. Without empirical research, we pay little attention to its defect. Teachers were told to use it in all the situations of instruction without awaring of its limitation. Today we may use the behavioral objectives in some situations but not all the time, and we must test its property before using it faithfully. Domain. N. Y.:David Makay, 1956. Davis, I.K. Objectives in curriculum design. England:McGraw-Hill, 1976. Eisner, E.W. ducational objectives:Help or hindrance?The school Review, 1967. Gagne', R.M. Behavioral objectives?Yes!Educational Leadership, 1972, 29(5), 394─396. Kibler, R.J. (ed)objectives for instruction and evaluation. Boston:Allyn & Bacon, 1981. Tyler, R.W. Basic principles of curriculum and instruction, 1949.
The purpose of this research is to analyze the background, theories, and influence of behavioral objectives. The method used in this thesis are theoretical analysis and historical approach. Behavioral objectives was a result of curriculum objective's movement. American education was influenced by the“Scientific approach”and“Social efficiency”, many theorists want to make objectives specific. Tyler was the first man to claim the necessity of the behavioral objectives. But it was not used until 60's. After the second world war, there are many new bends in American education, such as job analysis, individual teaching, teaching machine, program instruction, new curriculum, all of these has strong impact upon behavioral objectives. Although there many criticals against the behavioral objectives, it is still used in the instruction. On the other hand, it has been changed, in order to correspond with the real condition of instruction. Our country has been used behavioral objectives since ten years ago. Without empirical research, we pay little attention to its defect. Teachers were told to use it in all the situations of instruction without awaring of its limitation. Today we may use the behavioral objectives in some situations but not all the time, and we must test its property before using it faithfully. Domain. N. Y.:David Makay, 1956. Davis, I.K. Objectives in curriculum design. England:McGraw-Hill, 1976. Eisner, E.W. ducational objectives:Help or hindrance?The school Review, 1967. Gagne', R.M. Behavioral objectives?Yes!Educational Leadership, 1972, 29(5), 394─396. Kibler, R.J. (ed)objectives for instruction and evaluation. Boston:Allyn & Bacon, 1981. Tyler, R.W. Basic principles of curriculum and instruction, 1949.