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苗栗縣西湖溪流域是清末粵東、閩西移民來臺的重要生活空間,區內充滿濃濃客家風情。其中,西湖鄉四湖村劉恩寬家族為主的移民史,在此空間累積豐富多元的有形、無形文化資產。特別是縣內第一座私塾「雲梯書院」的創立,帶動地方文風興起,造就四湖劉家後代子孫能人輩出,「秀才之鄉」美名不脛而走,傳誦至今。 四湖不僅有雲梯書院、劉氏宗祠等存在近兩世紀,並已登錄歷史建築的文化資產;遍佈各聚落、田野的庄頭、田頭、水尾伯公,估算至少20座,不乏古樸雅致之作;舊地名如槺榔埔、石頭彎、學堂下…等,隱含自然、人文意涵;還有近年興起的「黃金大道」就毗連劉氏宗祠、雲梯書院等人文地景,水與綠交織成的客庄風景,美不勝收。 本論文透過文獻收集與回顧,追尋四湖劉家在清末西湖溪流域墾拓大歷史中的角色定位,回首客家先民唐山過臺灣的來時路。經由深度田野調查、祭祀儀式參與、觀察及訪談,挖掘文獻闕漏的史蹟與傳奇故事,以釐清四湖文風形成究竟是歷史的偶然或地理之必然;同時探討伯公分佈與客庄水綠文化之關係。 最後將地理資訊系統帶入研究場域,將文獻與田調資料數化成視覺化圖資,建置可供研究佐證、民眾體驗與欣賞客家人文之美的地理資訊平台,活化客庄的史地與文化資源。
The Xihuxi River Basin in Miaoli County is an important base for the extension of the Yuedong and East Fujian immigrants in the late Qing Dynasty. The region is full of Hakka style. Among them, the history of the Liu Enkuan Family in Sihu Village, Xihu Township, has accumulated rich and diverse tangible and intangible cultural assets. In particular, the establishment of the first privately-owned " Yunti Academy" in the county led to the rise of local styles and created the talents ofthe descendants of the Liu Family in the Sihu. The "hometown of scholars" was not lost, and it has been passed down to the present day. In Sihu, not only the Yunti Academy, Liu Family Ancestral Hall and other cultural assets of the past two centuries, have been registered in Historic Buildings; all over the settlements, fields of Tiantou, Shuihu Bogong, estimated at least 20, no shortage of simple and elegant works; Old place names such as: Kang Lang Pu Stone Bend, Syue Tang Sia etc., implied the meaning of local nature and humanities; and the "Miaoli Bolang Avenue" that has risen in recent years is adjacent to the cultural sites of Pengcheng Hall, Liu Family Ancestral Hall and Yunti Academy. The scenery of the Hakka village with water and green intertwined, is beautiful. This thesis collect and review literatures to traces the position of Liu family in the Sihu in the history of the Xihu River Basin in the late Qing Dynasty. Using research methods included in-depth field investigations, ritual participation and interviews, to collect historical materials and legendary stories that are not available in the existing literature, and clarify the formation of the Sihu style of writing. It is the inevitable historical accident or geographical advantage. At the same time, it discusses the distribution and relationship of Bogong and rice culture. Finally, the geographic information system was brought into the research field, and the texts of the plan-based texts and the field data were turned into visual maps, and a geographic information platform for researching and public appreciation of the beauty of the Sihu, revitalize the historical geography and cultural resources of Hakka Village.



四湖, 客庄, 西湖溪流域, 文化史蹟, 地理資訊系統, Sihu, Hakka village, Xihu River Basin, Historic site, GIS

