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National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Center


本研究旨在探討高級中等學校資源班教師之工作困擾及因應策略,研究者以自編「高級中等學校資源班教師工作困擾及因應策略之調查問卷」作為研究工具,共發出 90 份問卷,得到有效樣本 84 份,有效回收率為 93.33% 。資料經統計分析後,茲將重要的研究發現說明如下:( 一) 高級中等學校資源班教師工作困擾程度介於「稍微困擾」與「普通」之間,六個向度由高至低排序為:課程教學與輔導、專業發展、計畫與評鑑、鑑定與評量、行政與支援、溝通與諮詢。( 二) 高級中等學校資源班教師認為資源班業務量龐大但人力嚴重不足、資源班不易排課與尋找師資、校內教師對特殊教育知能不足導致相關活動難以推行等情形,最感困擾。( 三) 高級中等學校資源班教師面對工作困擾所採取之因應策略可分為積極和消極的作法,積極的方式有:面對問題、找尋社會資源的協助、評估後有計畫的尋找替代方式;反之,消極的作法為:認命的接受工作上的困擾,利用假日時間加班或調整自己的心情而維持現況。
The propose of this research was to investigate the workplace problems and coping strategies of resource room teachers in regular high schools. The researcher composed a questionnaire as the research tool. The questionnaire was related to "workplace problems and coping strategies of the resource room teachers in regular high schools." A total of 90 copies of questionnaires were dispatched and 84 effective samples were returned resulting in a return rate 93.33%.The followings are the results of the study:1.The resource rooms teachers' workplace problems were between less and common. The six dimensions from the highest to the lowest as follows: the courses teaching and counseling, professional development, plan and appraisal, identification and assessment, administration and support, communication and interview.2.Most resource room teachers were troubled by overburden, workload, the difficulties in course arrangement, a lack of professional manpower, and a deficiency in special education knowledge among other teachers. All of these problems hindered the activities held by the resource room teacher.3.The coping strategies of the high school resource room teachers to face job problems could be divided into positive and negative approaches. The positive ways were as follows: facing the problem, finding community resources to help, or finding alternative methods of solving problems after estimating. Conversely, the negative approaches were: resigning to accept the problems at the job, working overtime or on holidays, or adjusting their moods.


