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本研究旨在探討大學社團負責人角色壓力及其因應策略。研究目的為:一、瞭解大學社團負責人角色壓力的現況。二、瞭解大學社團負責人因應策略的現況。三、探討不同個人背景變項及社團背景變項的大學社團負責人角色壓力的差異。四、探討不同個人背景變項及社團背景變項的大學社團負責人因應策略的差異。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「北區大學社團負責人角色壓力及其因應策略問卷」為調查工具,以北區八所公私立大學及科技大學為研究對象,問卷共發出710份,有效樣本為566份。問卷內容分為:個人及社團基本資料、角色壓力量表、因應策略量表與開放式問題。所得資料採取描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理分析。 本研究結果發現: 一、北區大學社團負責人整體角色壓力近於中度,其中以「角色過度負荷」最高,其次為「角色能力不足」及「角色衝突」,「角色模糊」為最低。 二、北區大學社團負責人的因應策略,最常使用「理性思考」,其次為「問題解決」、「情緒調適」及「尋求支持」,最少使用「延宕處理」。 三、北區大學社團負責人的角色壓力,在個人背景變項方面,不同學校性質、學院及每週投入社團時數,有顯著差異;在社團背景變項方面,不同社團類別、社團成立歷史、社團人數、與上屆社團交接情形及目前社團經營面臨問題的情況,有顯著差異。 四、北區大學社團負責人的因應策略,在個人背景變項方面,不同學校性質、性別、每週投入課業時數、每週打工時數及曾經擔任社團幹部經驗,有顯著差異;在社團背景變項方面,不同社團成立歷史、社團人數、與上屆社團交接情形及目前社團經營面臨問題的情況,有顯著差異。 最後,根據研究結論,分別對學校、社團輔導人員、社團負責人及後續研究方面,提出具體建議。
The purpose of the study was to explore the role stress faced by the university club leaders and their coping strategies. It intends to 1) investigate the state of role stress of club leaders 2) look into the condition of their coping strategies 3) examine the variation of role stress in relation to the club leaders’ personal backgrounds and the club characteristics 4) examine the variation of coping strategies in relation to the club leaders’ personal backgrounds and the club characteristics. This study is conducted through “The Questionnaire on the Role Stress and Coping Strategies of Club Leaders in the Universities of Northern Taiwan.” This questionnaire is designed by the researcher, with its study objects spread in 8 universities of Northern Taiwan which is either national or private, including the university of technology. 710 questionnaires have been distributed, and 566 of them are returned as effective samples. The contents of the questionnaire are as follows: Personal& Club Details, Role Stress Scale, Coping Strategies Scale and Open-Ended Questions. All the information above is analyzed via statistics methods including descriptive statistics, T-test, one way ANOVA, etc. Below is the study result: 1. The overall role stress of the club leaders is at medium level. Among the factors, “Role overload” is the most influential, followed by “Role incompetence” and “Role conflict”. “Role Ambiguity” is the least crucial. 2. In the survey of the club leaders’ coping strategies, “Rational Thinking” is the most frequently chosen option, followed by “Problem Solving”, “Emotional Adjustment” and “Support Seeking”. “Procrastination” is the least chosen. 3. The role stress of the club leaders varies significantly in relation to their personal backgrounds as well as the club characteristics. The personal factors include the features of their university, the department the leaders belong to, and the amount of hours they invest into the club each week. As for the club characteristics, the type of the club, the club founding history, the number of the club members, the transferring situation of the previous members to the current ones and the condition the club is presently confronted with all make a significant difference to the degree of the role stress. 4. The coping strategies of the club leaders vary significantly in relation to their personal backgrounds as well as the club characteristics. The personal factors include the features of their university, gender, the amount of hours they invest into studying each week, their part-time working hours per week, and their experiences as club cadres. As for the club characteristics, the club founding history, the number of the club members, the transferring situation of the previous members to the current ones and the condition the club is presently confronted with all make a significant difference to the coping strategies. Based on the conclusions, concrete suggestions will be proposed for future reference for the universities, club counselors, club leaders and further survey.



大學社團負責人, 角色壓力, 因應策略, university club leaders, role stress, coping strategies





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