建築設計從業人員創造性問題解決歷程之研究: 以易經八卦的觀點分析

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在現今資訊爆炸、傳遞及變遷快速的社會中,人類的活動日趨複雜,隨時都會有不同的新問題發生,所以培養問題解決能力的訓練,已成為社會中求生存之基本能力。創造性問題解決法(CPS)向來被描述為將思想轉變成許多變數,以產生想法,並且評估這些想法,以選擇最適合或最佳變數的一種過程。建築設計從業人員除了專業知識外,也必須具備「問題解決」能力,因為「設計」就是一個解決問題的方式。所以建築設計從業人員在從事建築設計工作時, 除了須具備美學、技術等基本知識之外, 如何讓所設計出來的產品真正解決人們生活上的問題,便成了一大課題。易經乃群經之首,是中國傳承已久之經典。大多人所知的是易經及八卦在風水及命理上的運用,但其實易經之智慧常運用於生活中。八卦的思維有相對、順序開展及行動的意涵,包含邏輯與因果關係,是傳承已久的一種哲學系統,可與創造性問題解決的過程相對應。本研究探討之八卦系統,引申易經八卦之精神、意涵,和創造性問題解決過程融合。本研究運用問卷調查法來進行資料蒐集,行政處理回收31份,工程專業回收41份,設計專業81份,並以卡方考驗統計分析。結果發現行政處理採用次數最多的構面為:乾卦(發現問題)、坤卦(檢校對策)及巽卦(支持強化)。工程專業採用次數最多的構面為:乾卦(發現問題)、巽卦(支持強化)及離卦(邏輯推理)。設計專業採用次數最多的構面為:坤卦(檢校對策)、巽卦(支持強化)及乾卦(發現問題)。建議企業可透過本研究之模式,瞭解從業人員個人或團隊之創造性問題解決過程之傾向,作為企業徵才參考,選擇思考模式符合企業、主管或環境需求之人才,來增加企業競爭力及生產力。
I Ching is made up of alternations between conversion, conflict and reconciliation and between problem states of being. A synthesis of I Ching to the eight trigrams (BaGua) is often related to Feng-Shui (風水) for architectures in designing a building. In addition to this paradigm, this study observed BaGua as creative problem solving (CPS) approaches while practiced by architectures. The types of problems related to architecture jobs were mainly divided into: administrative, construction engineering, and designing affairs. Data related to the CPS approaches were collected from everyday retrospective recall which encoded by 8 architectures based on the checklist adapted from Hong et al. (2012, 2013) study. The frequencies of CPS approaches, then counted and subjected to chi-square test. The results revealed that the most frequently used of administrative jobs are Ch’ien trigram (perceived problem occurrence), Kun trigram (consequence evaluation), and Sun trigram (deliberating about ideas). The most frequently used of construction engineering jobs are Ch’ien trigram, Sun trigram, and Li trigram (logical reasoning). The most frequently used of designing affairs are Kun trigram, Sun, and Ch’ien trigrams. This study found not all trigrams were frequently practiced, according to the definition of I Ching, this suggests that the quality of CPS may still be questionable to this particular samples. The findings imply the problem solving process of human may need to be enhanced by training or requested by the top managers based on the elaboration of BaGua.



建築設計從業人員, 創造性問題解決, 易經八卦, architectural designers, creative problem solving, I-Ching and BaGua

