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本研究旨在探討青年國際志工服務歷程之心流經驗,訪問5名具三年以上參與國際志工服務的青年,以深度訪談的方法,透過青年志工的回顧與敘說,獲得研究的資料。 本研究提出四項結論: 1.青年國際志工參與動機為拓展服務的廣度、多元學習的機會、貢獻己力的精神以及感受服務的感動。 2.青年心流經驗之感受為知曉服務的目標、克服困難的挑戰、獲得投入的回饋、身心感受的喪失以及創造心流的循環。 3.影響青年感受心流經驗因素為:內在動機產生自發性的經驗、全心投入獲得服務的回饋、語言挑戰與技巧失衡、服務規劃混亂影響投入程度、團隊夥伴未能凝聚為一。 4.心流經驗對青年國際志工影響為持續心理效應、強化生命洞察、產生服務認同以及提升個人承諾。 本研究提出兩項建議,做為繼續推動國際志工服務活動之參考: 1.對參與國際志工服務的青年:釐清個人參與動機、參與國內服務累積經驗、整理服務過程經驗以及持續投入服務活動。 2.對提供國際志工服務的組織單位:妥善規劃服務準備訓練、強化服務所需技能以及邀請青年分享參與國際志工產生心流經驗捲動其他青年加入行列。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the flow experience of young international volunteers during service processes. Qualitative approach was adopted in the study. Five young international volunteers with over three years of service experiences were interviewed. Based on the data analysis, the results were as following: 1. The international volunteers motivated in expand the service orientation, multiple learning in many opportunities, contribute their own spirit and feel touched from the service. 2. Young international volunteers could get the flow experience from understanding service goal, overcome difficulties, immerse into the activity and get feedback, loss the feeling of body and mind and make the flow experiences lastly. 3. Young international volunteers could get the flow experiences more easily while inner motivation, immerse into the activity, get feedback, service content arrangement, language barrier and team partner. 4. The impact of flow experience on international volunteers include psychological impact, insight the value of life, get the service identity and rise the personal commitment. Two suggestions for further participating international volunteers service: 1.For young international volunteers: Clarify and set up the self- motivation,join the service in the domestic areas, organize the own experience while servicing and immerse into the activity lastly. 2.For organization: Prior training is important, strengthen the ability about the work details and invite young international volunteers to share the flow experience while doing the service.



國際志工, 服務歷程, 心流經驗, international volunteers, service process, flow experience

