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本研究主要目的在於比較現行九年一貫國小國中英語教科書中的生字量、生字分配、及生字重現的情形,以作為教科書編輯、國中小教師教學及教科書選用之參考。研究資料涵蓋目前廣受採用之三家版本的國小和國中教科書(佳音、康軒、南一),蒐集範圍包括國小五、六年級四冊課本及國中六冊課本,共計三十冊。生字在各冊各單元出現的情形皆納入研究資料,並與教育部所頒佈之國民中小學最基本一千字詞加以比較。主要發現如下: 1. 三個版本教科書包含不同的總生字量。小學教科書的差異非常明顯,南一版包含392個生字,康軒版224個,佳音版最少,只有191個生字。國中階段差異較少,南一的生字量最少(1256個),佳音版最多(1303個)。 2. 三個版本的小學教科書呈現不同的應用字彙和認識字彙比例。佳音版的比例是4:6,康軒版是6:4,南一版是5:5。在國中方面,三個版本呈現相似的比例(8:2)。千字表字彙和非千字表字彙間的比例較為接近。小學部分,佳音和康軒約為9:1,南一約為8:2;國中部分,三個版本皆為7:3。 3. 三個版本的小學教科書中,生字選用的重疊性不高。國中教科書中,則有70%的生字是同時被三個版本所選用。 4. 三個版本在生字量的分配上都有起伏落差的現象。小學部分,總生字量、應用字彙、和千字表字彙三種生字量在各冊的分配情形相似。康軒和南一呈現類似的分佈,其第一冊生字最多,而第二冊生字最少。國中部分,三個版本的生字量分配很不相同。南一版每一冊的字彙量相近,佳音版的第二冊和第五冊生字較多,康軒則呈現漸少的趨勢。就千字字表字彙的分佈而言,三個版本皆呈現下滑的分佈走勢。至於每一課或每一單元中的生字量分配,康軒和南一則有較多起伏。 5. 在教科書的內文中,三個版本千字表的重現率相似。三版教科書中的字詞,共有88%是來自千字表。 6. 三個版本皆致力於重複利用千字表字彙。超過76%的千字表字彙被重現6次以上,47%的千字表字彙被重現16次以上。
ABSTRACT The focus of this study is to compare the vocabulary size, allocation, and vocabulary recycling in three major series of elementary school English textbooks and junior high school English textbooks (Joy, Kang-hsuan, and Nan-i). The data comprised 30 volumes of English textbooks in total, including 10 volumes from each publisher (4 volumes at the elementary school level and 6 volumes junior high). All of the textbook vocabulary lists and the lesson texts in every textbook volume were collected and compared, and the wordlist of the 1,000 Basic English Words (OBEW) from MOE is adopted as the reference for comparison in the recycling search. The major findings of this study are as follows: 1. The three series vary in vocabulary size. The difference was much greater in the three elementary textbook series, N series has 392 items, K series has 224 items, and J has the fewest, 191 items. At the junior high school level, N series has the fewest (1256 items) and J has the most items (1303 items). 2. The three elementary school series show different proportions between productive vocabulary and receptive vocabulary. The ratio of productive vocabulary to receptive vocabulary is about 4:6 in J series, 6:4 in K series, and 5:5 in N series. The three junior high school series all hold a similar ratio of 8:2. In terms of the proportion between OBEW vocabulary and non-OBEW vocabulary, at the elementary school level, J series and K series both have a ratio about 9:1, and N series shows a ratio of 8:2. At the junior high school level, the ratios in the three series are all approximate 7:3. 3. The vocabulary adopted in the three elementary school series does not highly overlap. At the junior high school level, there is an overlap of about 70%. 4. The three series manifest some variation in their vocabulary allocation. At the elementary school level, the allocation patterns of the overall vocabulary, productive vocabulary, and OBEW vocabulary are similar. But at the junior high school level, the three series show different allocation patterns. As for OBEW vocabulary, all the three series exhibit a decline from the first volume to the last volume. As for the vocabulary amounts in every lesson, K series and N series display more fluctuation. 5. The three series show similar frequency of recycling the OBEW in their texts. Eighty-eight percent of the words in the textbook texts are from the OBEW list. 6. The three series all make much effort to adopt OBEW in their texts. About 76% of the OBEW items were recycled more than 6 times, and 47% of them are recycled more than 16 times.



生字量, 教科書, 九年一貫, 生字重現率, vocabulary size, textbooks, Grade 1-9 Curriculum, vocabulary recycling





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