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本研究探討一位初任暨資深的國中生物教師在『動物體內的資訊網』和『生物體內的恆定性與調節』兩個單元在概念順序、教學表徵、發問類型和實驗室教學上的差異。本研究個案教師任較於同一所學校,自在民國93年12月初至民國94年1月間參與研究。本研究採質性研究法,透過教室觀察、錄影錄音、晤談、文件蒐集、田野筆記等方法收集資料,本研究所得結果如下:1.兩位教師的概念的組織與順序上大致與課本安排相似,但是資深教師做了些微的調整並且強調概念之間的連結性;2.資深教師使用的表徵比初任教師更為豐富,初任教師使用圖表教學而資深教師則是經常應用問題導引學生,同時也使用多重的表徵來協助學生學習困難處,相對的,初任教師通常重複使用同一表徵來協助學生學習;3.初任教師所發問的問題類型大都為班級管理類,而資深教師所提的問題與教學內容較有相關;4.初任與資深教師在實驗室教學順序大致相同,但是初任教師偏向口頭講解教學,而資深教師則是偏向於問題引導;在實驗室的管理上,資深教師較初任教師具有技巧,這是值得初任教師學習的。 本研究建議提供更多的機會讓教師去促進在發問技巧上的能力;條列出資深教師在實驗室中的規則與程序;建議未來有更多關於撰寫教科書的研究;增加初任教師觀察資深教師的教學以加速成長。
Investigated were the organizations of concepts sequences, teaching representations , questioning techniques, and laboratory teaching of two units “Information Networks in Animals and Homeostasis” and “Regulation in Organisms “ of a beginning and an experienced biology teachers in junior high schools. Two teachers came from the same school and were observed during the Dec. of 2004 to the January of 2005. Interpretive research method was adopted. Date were collected from classroom observations, video-tapes, field notes, interviews and documents and were analyzed through reviewing of tapes, transcripts, and triangulations. The findings were as follows: 1) the organizations and sequences of concepts were similar to textbook’s for both teachers, however, there were some minor modifications and emphasis on the concepts connections for the experienced teacher; 2) the representations of the experienced teacher were much richer than the beginning teacher, the graphs illustration was preferred by the beginning teacher and questioning was used very often by the experienced teacher, there were multiple representations for experienced teacher to help students understanding difficulties, however, there was only one repeated representation to help students for the beginning teacher; 3)most questions for the beginning teacher were related to classroom management, but, for the experienced teacher were related to teaching content; 4)the sequence for laboratory teaching for both teachers were same, however, the lecture method was used mainly by the beginning teacher and through questions to lead discussions was used more often by the experienced teacher; the management techniques in laboratory teaching of the experienced teacher were very skillful to worth referring to the beginning teacher. To provide more opportunities for teachers to promote their abilities in questioning skills, to list the rules and procedures in laboratory of the experienced teacher, and more studies related to the writing of textbooks, effectiveness of observing the teaching of experience teacher for beginning teacher, were recommended.



資深教師, 初任教師, 教學表徵, 發問類別, 實驗室教學





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