科技校院室內設計系校外實習滿意度之研究 -以北部某校為例

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我室內設計專業領域發展已有時日、至今可稱發展蓬勃,但其專業度與其定位仍備受質疑與模糊不清,而其專業與定位之問題、本質還應回歸於教育層面。 本研究之目的係為了解我科技校院室內設計系於辦理校外實習課程之狀況與其室內設計系學生參與校外實習課程之滿意度,即其予以科技校院室內設計系校外實習課程建議,更期許本研究些許之建議能予我國室內設計專業領域專業性能有些許之幫助,本研究採問卷、調查學生對於校外實習課程之滿意度及訪談教師深入了解校外實習課程辦理之特色與困難 本研究所得之結論大致為,學生對於人際關係、課程規劃、生涯規劃較為滿意,對於校外實習課程可以獲得專業知識,了解性向與興趣皆有一定的滿意,而實習課程辦理以暑期為佳、輔導老師的規劃安排、專業素養與學生學習態度對實習課程影響甚大,室內設計系實習課程內容較難有標準規劃,而實習機構的性質會直接影實習內容,臺灣室內設計專業有其更深化之必要,實習課程內容也應包含室內設計領域認知與念之教導。
Interior design is in the booming development of Taiwan in the last several decades, however, the specialized knowledge and position are still retain indistinct. The main purposes of this study are to explore related department of interior design’s internship satisfaction and its characteristics in higher technical and vocational education. Finally, few suggestions for a professional-oriented curriculum development and design would be provided according to the study. The conclusions of the study were as follows: 1. Students show higher satisfaction at interpersonal relationships, curriculum design and career planning. 2. Students show positive satisfaction at to gain specialized knowledge and to explore their career aptitudes. 3. In comparison with various factors of curriculum design, it is indicated that show higher recognition for the factor of “summer course, career guidance, specialized knowledge and learning attitude” than other factors. 4. The curriculum design is unstandardized and would probably be affected by hands-on training. 5. The professional-oriented hands-on training is essential of the curriculum design.



室內設計系, 科技校院, 校外實習滿意度, department of interior design, higher technical and vocational education, internship satisfaction





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