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隨著科技的發展,近幾年由CGI、AI技術創建的虛擬影響者(Virtual Influencer)在社群媒體中嶄露頭角,也成為品牌商挑選代言人之對象,可謂是新興的代言人類型。本研究以恐怖谷理論作為研究基礎,使用虛擬影響者擬人化程度(高擬人vs.低擬人)x 2虛擬影響者與產品一致性(一致vs.不一致)x 2控制實體類型(人類vs. AI)之三因子組間實驗設計,探究虛擬影響者作為產品代言人時,對消費者之廣告效果的影響(品牌態度、購買意願、分享意願)。同時,本研究亦分析了感知獨特性在自變數(虛擬影響者擬人化程度、控制實體類型)和依變數(廣告效果:品牌態度、購買意願、分享意願)間的中介效果,以及代言人可信度在自變數(虛擬影與產品一致性)和依變數(廣告效果:品牌態度、購買意願、分享意願)間的中介效果。研究結果顯示,(1)高擬人虛擬影響者比低擬人虛擬影響者有較佳的品牌態度、分享意願;(2)虛擬影響者與產品一致性對廣告效果有顯著影響;(3)在低擬人虛擬影響者的前提下,虛擬影響者與產品一致搭配控制實體為人類會產生較佳的廣告效果;(4)感知獨特性能顯著中介虛擬影響者擬人化程度和廣告效果;(5)代言人可信度能顯著中介虛擬影響者與產品一致性和廣告效果。
With the development of technology, Virtual influencers, created through CGI and AI technologies, have gained prominence in social media recently. These digital entities have emerged as a novel category of endorsers, becoming a preferred choice for brand representation. This study was based on the Uncanny Valley Theory and adopted a two (the anthropomorphism of virtual influencer: high vs. low) x two (virtual influencers-product congruence: congruence vs. non-congruence) x two (the type of controlling entity: human vs. AI) three- factor between-subject experimental design, aiming to explore the differences in advertising effectiveness (brand attitude, purchase intention, willingness to share) on consumers when Virtual Influencers serve as product endorsers. This study also examined the mediating effects of perceived uniqueness on the relationships between independent variables (the anthropomorphism of virtual influencer and the type of controlling entity) and dependent variables (advertising effectiveness: brand attitude, purchase intention, willingness to share). The mediating effects of endorser credibility on the relationships between independent variables (virtual influencers-product congruence) and dependent variables (advertising effectiveness: brand attitude, purchase intention, willingness to share) was also included.The results showed that: (1) higher anthropomorphism virtual influencers showed better brand attitudes and greater willingness to share than lower anthropomorphism virtual influencers. (2) The virtual influencer-product congruence significantly affected advertising effectiveness. (3) When the virtual influencers’ anthropomorphism being low, a virtual influencers-product congruence and the type of controlling entity being human generated better advertising effects. (4) Perceived uniqueness significantly mediated between the anthropomorphism of virtual influencers and advertising effectiveness. (5) Endorser credibility significantly mediated between the virtual influencers-product congruence and advertising effectiveness.
With the development of technology, Virtual influencers, created through CGI and AI technologies, have gained prominence in social media recently. These digital entities have emerged as a novel category of endorsers, becoming a preferred choice for brand representation. This study was based on the Uncanny Valley Theory and adopted a two (the anthropomorphism of virtual influencer: high vs. low) x two (virtual influencers-product congruence: congruence vs. non-congruence) x two (the type of controlling entity: human vs. AI) three- factor between-subject experimental design, aiming to explore the differences in advertising effectiveness (brand attitude, purchase intention, willingness to share) on consumers when Virtual Influencers serve as product endorsers. This study also examined the mediating effects of perceived uniqueness on the relationships between independent variables (the anthropomorphism of virtual influencer and the type of controlling entity) and dependent variables (advertising effectiveness: brand attitude, purchase intention, willingness to share). The mediating effects of endorser credibility on the relationships between independent variables (virtual influencers-product congruence) and dependent variables (advertising effectiveness: brand attitude, purchase intention, willingness to share) was also included.The results showed that: (1) higher anthropomorphism virtual influencers showed better brand attitudes and greater willingness to share than lower anthropomorphism virtual influencers. (2) The virtual influencer-product congruence significantly affected advertising effectiveness. (3) When the virtual influencers’ anthropomorphism being low, a virtual influencers-product congruence and the type of controlling entity being human generated better advertising effects. (4) Perceived uniqueness significantly mediated between the anthropomorphism of virtual influencers and advertising effectiveness. (5) Endorser credibility significantly mediated between the virtual influencers-product congruence and advertising effectiveness.
虛擬影響者, 擬人化程度, 一致性, 控制實體, 恐怖谷理論, 廣告效果, 感知獨特性, 代言人可信度, virtual influencer, anthropomorphism, congruence, controlling entity, the Uncanny Valley Theory, advertising effectiveness, perceived uniqueness, endorser credibility