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「誠信」應是企業要永續經營最基本的社會責任。若失去了誠信,則企業將會付出極大的代價,企業形象受損將不利於永續經營。當企業對沒有對社會負起應有的責任,會引發社會負面觀感,員工任職的企業若被媒體舉發其騙了社會大眾,違反誠信原則,如果員工無法承受輿論壓力或個人良心譴責,可能選擇求去。 本研究主要探究員工企業社會責任知覺、工作投入與離職傾向之間的相關性,並以工作投入為中介變項,透過迴歸方式來分析工作投入在員工企業社會責任知覺與離職傾向之間的中介效果。研究對象為曾獲得企業社會責任獎的企業員工,採用便利抽樣方式,問卷以請託企業主管發放並回收,共計回收211份有效樣本。 經研究後發現:(1)員工企業社會責任知覺對離職傾向有負向影響;(2)員工企業社會責任知覺對工作投入有正向影響;(3)工作投入對離職傾向有負向影響;(4)工作投入對員工企業社會責任知覺影響離職傾向間具有部分中介效果。本研究之結果能提供管理者在企業社會責任的經營上,作為參考之依據,多一個正面支持的理由,進而降低員工離職率。
“Credibility” is the essence of the Corporate Social Responsibility for sustainable development. Without credibility, corporate will have to pay the price. Corporate image damage will not be conducive to sustainable development. Corporate don’t take their responsibility for the whole society, it will lead to negative social perception. Employees serving companies, if they are denounced it deceived the public by the media, violation of the principle of credibility, and employees can’t withstand the pressure of public opinion or personal conscience, then employees may choose to leave their job. This research aims to examine the correlation among empolyees’ perception of corporate social responsibility, job involvement and turnover Intention. Job involvement is served as the mediation variable. Hierarchical regression is used to analyze the mediation effect coming from job involvement in empolyees’ perception of corporate social responsibility and turnover Intention. The object of this research is the employees of that won the Corporate Social Responsibility Award companies. Using convenience sampling method, the empirical data are collected by corporate executives. The total of the valid samples are 211. The results showed:(1) Empolyees’ perception of corporate social responsibility has a negative impact on turnover Intention. (2) Empolyees’ perception of corporate social responsibility has a positive impact on job involvement. (3) Job involvement has a negative impact on turnover Intention. (4) The mediation of job involvement in empolyees’ perception of corporate social responsibility on turnover Intention is partial. We hope that the results can be applied as a useful reference for corporate managers in the business of corporate social responsibility. More positive reasons to support corporate social responsibility, and then reduce the turnover Intention.



員工企業社會責任知覺, 工作投入, 離職傾向, empolyees’ perception of corporate social responsibility, job involvement, turnover Intention





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