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一、 大學實施教師績效獎金有助激勵教師士氣,提升教師個人及學校整體的
The objective of this study is to explore the related concept, grant background and related ordinance for teachers’ performance bonus and to investigate the perspectives of national university teachers about planning and implementation of this program. The main research method is a questionnaire and supporting interview. The questionnaire was designed by the researcher and sampled among the teachers on a proportional and random basis. The number of collected valid questionnaires is 523.The collected data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, one-way ANOVA, t-test and other statistical methods. Four scholars and two government officers were interviewed to gain their perspectives and opinions about the National university teachers’ performance bonus. Synthesis of the results of the questionnaire and interview, and the conclusions are as follows: 1. The implementation performance bonus among university teachers is helpful to motivate the teachers’ morale and promote the teaching, research and service performance of the teachers and the entire school. 2.The draft Act on National university teachers performance bonus scheme is widely accepted among teachers expect for doubts about the source of funds. 3. Due to the school property, business diversity, organization climate, the scale of the school’s administration affairs fund and etc., the opinions about the performance bonus plan vary. 4. The majority of the teachers agree to implement the performance appraisal, which includes teaching, research and service and is based on a result of the appraisal to grant the bonus. 5. The majority of the teachers agree to use the same index among the teachers for appraising the teaching and service performance but not for research. 6 .Most teachers consider the appraisal index and the appropriate process are the key points for the performance bonus scheme. 7. The function of performance bonus cannot have distinct difference by age, seniority and concurrent posts. 8. The issues most needed to regulate the implementation of performance bonus are appraisal index, standard, process and the membership and professionalism of the appraisers. 9. The source of the funds may not be stable and the amount may differ from the administration affairs funds from the school. 10. The obstacles for the performance bonus include the difficulties of the implementation, the justice and objectivity of the appraisal mechanism and the source of the funds. Base on the research conclusions, suggestions are provided below for reference: 1. For Educational Authorities a. Expedite the legislation process to gain legitimacy. b. Add the departmental performance bonus in the draft Act to enhance positive competition among the departments. c. Budget the performance bonus fund to ensure the implementation. d. Have a probation period or grace period before the implementation. 2. For National Universities a. The development of the performance index must comply with the objective of school administration affairs. b. The plan for the performance bonus scheme should consider the justice, rationality and objectivity of the appraisal mechanism. c. Before the implementation, it would appropriate to have the plan effectively promoted, interpreted and communicated.
The objective of this study is to explore the related concept, grant background and related ordinance for teachers’ performance bonus and to investigate the perspectives of national university teachers about planning and implementation of this program. The main research method is a questionnaire and supporting interview. The questionnaire was designed by the researcher and sampled among the teachers on a proportional and random basis. The number of collected valid questionnaires is 523.The collected data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, one-way ANOVA, t-test and other statistical methods. Four scholars and two government officers were interviewed to gain their perspectives and opinions about the National university teachers’ performance bonus. Synthesis of the results of the questionnaire and interview, and the conclusions are as follows: 1. The implementation performance bonus among university teachers is helpful to motivate the teachers’ morale and promote the teaching, research and service performance of the teachers and the entire school. 2.The draft Act on National university teachers performance bonus scheme is widely accepted among teachers expect for doubts about the source of funds. 3. Due to the school property, business diversity, organization climate, the scale of the school’s administration affairs fund and etc., the opinions about the performance bonus plan vary. 4. The majority of the teachers agree to implement the performance appraisal, which includes teaching, research and service and is based on a result of the appraisal to grant the bonus. 5. The majority of the teachers agree to use the same index among the teachers for appraising the teaching and service performance but not for research. 6 .Most teachers consider the appraisal index and the appropriate process are the key points for the performance bonus scheme. 7. The function of performance bonus cannot have distinct difference by age, seniority and concurrent posts. 8. The issues most needed to regulate the implementation of performance bonus are appraisal index, standard, process and the membership and professionalism of the appraisers. 9. The source of the funds may not be stable and the amount may differ from the administration affairs funds from the school. 10. The obstacles for the performance bonus include the difficulties of the implementation, the justice and objectivity of the appraisal mechanism and the source of the funds. Base on the research conclusions, suggestions are provided below for reference: 1. For Educational Authorities a. Expedite the legislation process to gain legitimacy. b. Add the departmental performance bonus in the draft Act to enhance positive competition among the departments. c. Budget the performance bonus fund to ensure the implementation. d. Have a probation period or grace period before the implementation. 2. For National Universities a. The development of the performance index must comply with the objective of school administration affairs. b. The plan for the performance bonus scheme should consider the justice, rationality and objectivity of the appraisal mechanism. c. Before the implementation, it would appropriate to have the plan effectively promoted, interpreted and communicated.
績效獎金, 教師績效獎金, 教師績效評量, Performance Bonus, Teacher Performance Bonus, Teacher Performance Appraisal