

摘 要 本研究的主要目的為探究北高兩市國中社會學習領域教師的世界公民教育觀點,並探討不同背景教師世界公民教育觀點之間的差異情形。本研究以九十五學年度第二學期任教於北高兩市國中社會學習領域教師為研究對象,以分層叢集取樣方法,抽取台北市202名教師、高雄市132名教師,共334位教師為研究樣本,採用問卷調查法及訪談蒐集資料,以編製的「北高兩市國中社會學習領域教師世界公民教育觀點之研究問卷」,瞭解教師對世界公民教育的看法,分析個人背景不同的教師對世界公民教育之意見是否有差異。此外,亦輔以深度訪談,進一步探查教師對世界公民教育的深層思維及教學經驗。 本研究所列的七項個人背景因素包括「性別」、「年齡」、「主要任教科目」、「出國頻率」、「接觸國際新聞頻率」、「近五年是否參與和世界公民教育相關研習」及「學校所在市別」。不同個人背景變項教師,對於全球未來的趨勢、世界公民教育的目標、應優先教導的國際議題、教導國際議題面臨的困難、需要的支援及增進專業知能的研習途徑看法,皆具有統計上顯著的一致性。 本研究亦根據研究發現提出建議,以供教育主管機關、師資培育機構、國民中學行政當局、國民中學社會學習領域教師及後續研究者之參考。
Abstract The purposes of this study were to explore the perspectives on global citizenship education held by junior high school social studies teachers in Taipei city and Kaohsiung city, and probe into the differences among teachers. Layered random sampling was applied and 334 teacher samples were chosen from the targeted population who taught in the first semester in 2006(school year). This study employed the dominant-less dominant mixed method design, a dominant quantitative approach with a less-dominant qualitative data aggregation procedure, to do both data collection and analysis. It consisted of two phases. The first phase utilized a questionnaire survey to explore whether teachers with different backgrounds held difference perspectives on global citizenship education, followed by the second phase of in-depth interviews to gain insightful understandings concerning teachers’ underlying values and teaching experiences of global citizenship education. The results indicated that teachers of different backgrounds shared significant similarities on perspectives of the globaltrend, goals of global citizenship education, the preferred global issues for teaching, difficulties confronting their teaching, and supports needed in their teaching and professional development. Finally, suggestions were offered to the educational authority, the teacher preparation organization, the administration of junior high school, teachers of junior high school social studies and further research based on the findings.



社會學習領域, 世界公民教育, 世界公民教育觀點, social studies, global citizenship education, perspectives on global citizenship education





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